The adventures of Mommy woman
JillUser's Articles » Page 6
June 4, 2007 by JillUser
Perhaps sleep apnea is the SIDS of the adult world.  Anyone else ever hear of someone as young as 31 passing away in their sleep?  It just happened to the little brother of my oldest and dearest friend. Yesterday morning I was putting my little girl down for her morning nap when the phone rang.  When I got downstairs after getting her settled, I listened to the voice mail that was left.  It was my dear friend and I could tell by her voice it was bad news.  All she sai...
June 3, 2007 by JillUser
Here's a recent picture of the very silly, Ashley Grace with the pretty face.  She is almost 10 months old now.  She is going to walk any time.  She pulls herself to a standing position and only needs a finger or two for support while walking. She is into everything but has a smile on her face that keeps you from getting angry.  The house is constantly trashed and she loves it that way.  She owns everyone and everything in the house and I think she knows it. ...
May 13, 2007 by JillUser
It isn't flowers or cards or dinner or hand made crafts that matter today.  The best gift on Mother's Day is the gift of being a mom.  I guess I was feeling a little sorry for myself hearing about other moms getting gushed over today.  Then a feeling of joy came over me as I watched my little baby girl ripping apart the TV guide...I'm a mom.  That's the greatest gift today and every day. I have wanted to be a mom for as long as I can remember.  I have friends who have...
April 20, 2007 by JillUser
For the second day in a row my baby girl allowed me to get 7hrs of consecutive sleep and this morning the sun is shining and it is over 40 degrees outside!  I feel great!  I feel human again! Prolonged sleep deprivation can cause your brain to become sluggish.  I was starting to fear alzheimers.  I was walking around in a fog every day.  Thoughts drifted off as quickly as they floated in. I think 7hrs is the magic amount of sleep for me.  Not too much, and not...
April 19, 2007 by JillUser
I watched GMA this morning and, like a lot of other talk realted shows recently, they focused on "gowing green".  They showed all sorts of "green" products for the home.  All the while I was wondering what everything cost.  At the end of the segment they addressed the cost issue with the answer of "All of these products are comparable to regular products on the market". I don't know for sure about those products but I do know that a lot of the "environmentally friendly" product...
April 18, 2007 by JillUser
I took my boys for hair cuts after school.  For some reason I can't relate to, these boys still don't like getting their hair cut.  Yesterday they found a way of making it fun though. They had the idea to take sandwich bags with them and collect the hair as it was being cut.  They then compared "hair balls" to see who was the champion hair loser.  They found the balls came out extremely similar in size so the stylist weighed them on her digital scale that they use for weig...
April 11, 2007 by JillUser
I was having a discussion with my 10yr old about people we know and people that we have come in contact with via the internet.  He asked me if someone on JU was a "good" person.  The question got me thinking.  How do we discern good people from bad people? What's your definition of a "good" person? I guess I consider it good to be a truthful, responsible, genuine person.  Good people are moral, kind and don't do things to intentionally hurt others.  Good people car...
March 12, 2007 by JillUser
Dear Rosie, Thank you for freeing me from the time wasting practice of watching The View.  I used to spend some of my late morning watching Meredith spearhead interesting conversations.  Now that you are there, I am no longer compelled to spend my time in front of the TV and instead am free to do things that are more scrub my toilets. Your practice of spouting DU talking points, not listening to others and talking over Elizabeth without regard to her very vali...
February 7, 2007 by JillUser
I've been enjoying reading the responses I've gotten about whether or not we create out children and it got me thinking.  If people believe that God creates babies and gives them to us, do they believe that inductions and planned C-sections are interfering with God's plan?  If it's all God's doing, shouldn't it happen naturally? I personally don't know anything more about God or Jesus after having had 3 babies and 2 miscarriages.  I know a lot about the science behind feta...
February 6, 2007 by JillUser
In another blog about questioning God I made the comment that just as I expect my children to question me, I'm sure god expects us to question him.  Another blogger "corrected" me by saying that I was wrong because I didn't create my children, God did.  So, what do you think on that subject? I think God created my children in the same way my great grandparents did.  My husband and I had total control over when we chose to have children.  We chose their names, how to raise ...
January 30, 2007 by JillUser
As those of you who know me or have been reading my blog,  I am by default, a happy, content person.  I enjoy being at home, watching my baby play or listening to my kids talk to each other.  Happiness to me is sitting down to dinner as a family and tucking everyone safely in at night. The down side of being a content person is you don't tend to be driven.  There isn't a lot that compels me to go out and strive to tackle new challenges.  I have no chip on my shoulder ...
January 15, 2007 by JillUser
My 6yr old says some of the sweetest things some times.  He is often quite a rascal and by the time he was a year old, earned himself the nickname "Ryan the Destroyer".  But just when you think you are getting angry with him, he says something that just stops you in your tracks. Last night I told him I had to kiss the top of his head goodnight because I'm sick and don't want him to get sick.  He said he didn't mind getting sick as much as he minds seeing me feel sick....but tha...
January 15, 2007 by JillUser
I recently had an interesting experience.  I initially met my son's friend's mother on the phone then met her in person today and got totally different impressions.  I don't think this has ever happened before.  Sure, some people have seemed a little different in person or I envisioned them looking a little different.  This woman seems very ditzy on the phone and not at all in person. This lead me to wonder what kind of impression I give on the phone.  Do I sound like...
January 3, 2007 by JillUser
Is she gorgeous or am I just biased?   I'm in love with my little girl.  Her smile is infectious.  That is the face I wake up to in the morning, how could I not wake up happy? She will be 5 months old on the 5th.  Almost a half year has gone by since she entered our lives.  In some ways it seems like she's been here forever and in others, well, it just doesn't seem like it could be 5 months.  She seems bigger, cuter and more fun every day. I hope her smi...
January 3, 2007 by JillUser
As you can see, the holidays were exhausting at our house.  They were wonderful, happy and healthy yet I am a bit relieved they are over.  My kids don't go back to school until the 8th but the pressure of keeping everyone healthy, keeping the house clean and holiday ready, and making sure it is a Christmas to remember is over with. Santa was good to everyone at our house.  We had lots of yummy food, plenty of thoughtful gifts and lots of enjoyable visits.  It was one ...