Dear Rosie,
Thank you for freeing me from the time wasting practice of watching The View. I used to spend some of my late morning watching Meredith spearhead interesting conversations. Now that you are there, I am no longer compelled to spend my time in front of the TV and instead am free to do things that are more scrub my toilets.
Your practice of spouting DU talking points, not listening to others and talking over Elizabeth without regard to her very valid views just doesn't appeal to me for some reason. Joy's uneducated, uninformed backup to your equally uneducated, uninformed points only adds to the dejective powers of the show. Your self indulgent way of gearing all conversation to your gayness just doesn't work for me either.
From your forced, fake smile and wave at the beginning of the show to your bullish overpowering of every conversation, you make a very resounding case for not watching. I thank you for my new found freedom. Toilets, here I come!