The adventures of Mommy woman
Published on January 30, 2007 By JillUser In Misc

As those of you who know me or have been reading my blog,  I am by default, a happy, content person.  I enjoy being at home, watching my baby play or listening to my kids talk to each other.  Happiness to me is sitting down to dinner as a family and tucking everyone safely in at night.

The down side of being a content person is you don't tend to be driven.  There isn't a lot that compels me to go out and strive to tackle new challenges.  I have no chip on my shoulder or nagging need to achieve new heights.  I'm not an adrenaline junky.  I like who I am (except for my weight).  This tendency makes it difficult to go out and be all I can be.

That doesn't mean there aren't things I want to do.  It doesn't mean I don't have plenty to do every day.  It just means I'm not out doing anything impressive...ever.  Although, the amount of laundry I do each week might impress some

One thing I do feel compelled to do is orgainze get togethers with friends and family.  I also feel the need to have a little get away with my husband so am planning an extended weekend trip to NY.  I went to a Pampered Chef party and had a scrapbooking party with friends this last weekend.  Pretty typical housewife goings on.

I'm hoping once the kids are bigger I will have more time to think deeper thoughts, read more, and maybe do something inspired or inspiring.  For now I have all I can do to do the shopping, cleaning, bill paying, helping with homework, making meals and spending time with my husband, kids, friends and family.  Life seems like it is on fast forward right now.  I'm not complaining, I just don't feel compelled to spend any of my precious time any way other than how I currently spend it.

on Jan 30, 2007

I think it takes all kinds of people to make the world Jill.

If this is your route, and you are satisfied, then more power to you.

IMO, you have a very important job.  The hand that rocks the cradle, rules the world.

on Jan 30, 2007
I do not envy your planning!  I tried to get a dozen people together for a farewell luncheon.  You are not a procrastinator!  Masochist maybe, but not a procrastinator!
on Jan 31, 2007
I like candy.
on Jan 31, 2007

There is no job more difficult, challenging, important, rewarding, or inspiring than raising healthy, well adjusted children.
I guess only time will tell regarding the well adjusted part LW

I like candy.
You're real helpful!

Masochist maybe, but not a procrastinator!
You just might have something there Dr. Guy. I tend to think I'm a glutten for punishment every time I'm in the midst of orgainizing a get together

The hand that rocks the cradle, rules the world.
Well, at the moment, the little one in the cradle rules my world


on Jan 31, 2007

There is no job more important than being a mom.  You're doing exactly what you should be doing.  There will be plenty of time for the other stuff when your babies are older - but right now you are where you're supposed to be.

on Jan 31, 2007

I just don't feel compelled to spend any of my precious time any way other than how I currently spend it.

Then YOU are the luckiest person on Earth, and I envy you! I think it's wonderful that you are doing what you want to do right at this moment. You go girl!