The adventures of Mommy woman
JillUser's Articles » Page 31
November 13, 2003 by JillUser
I have to giggle at ads that say "Don't slave over an oven all Thanksgiving". They want you to order one of their turkeys to be delivered. With modern technology, you can hardly go wrong with a turkey these days. Buy a good turkey (I recommend Butterball) with a pop-up timer, set your oven for the recommended temp (they give directions on the packaging) and roast for the recommended amount of time per pound. They self baste. All you have to do is wait for the popper to pop. Oh, the most ...
November 13, 2003 by JillUser
On date night with my husband last night, we saw "Elf". I loved it! I laughed so hard I had tears a couple of times. I am with kids all day every day so had an appreciation of how well Will Ferrell captured the innocent weirdness of a child. My husband didn't think it was as funny as I, but did say it was a "put a smile on your face" movie that would probably be a new classic. If you are a sucker for the old Christmas classics like Rudolph, Frosty, and Santa Clause is Coming to Town, I th...
November 12, 2003 by JillUser
Did any of you wonder why Jessica got so much attention? Did you hear mutterings about the African-American woman (Shoshana) that got shot in both legs? I did. I watched the Jessica Lynch interview last night. There was a lot of information to be gleened out of the sensationalism. I finally think I understand what the deal is. Basically, there were no witnesses to what exactly happened to Jessica. Everyone else in her vehicle died. She herself isn't even a very good witness since she w...
November 11, 2003 by JillUser
A friend sent this article and asked me to find out from any Germans that I knew what they thought. I think it was clever of the first group. I think, like they said, it would be safe for them becasue of the media surrounding it. It sounds like it could be dangerous for any that follow.
November 11, 2003 by JillUser
I don't get out a lot and am limited in the types of people I interact with. I am interested in what a typical day in the life of people out there is like. For instance, my typical day: I am usually the first up in the morning (not by choice! I am not a morning person) I get my son up and ready and off to school. I get my preschooler some breakfast and get him watching some cartoons or playing with cars. I throw some laundry in (every day!) to wash. I grab some coffee and check my emai...
November 11, 2003 by JillUser
I am a newbie in the world of blogging but am totally hooked! I have been enjoying the benefits of email for a long time now. Having two little ones at home, it is so much easier to email than to correspond via phone. I am now hooked on reading and commenting on the thoughts of so many interesting people from all over the world. How great is that?! I am learning more about world politics because my interest is more sparked by this venue than a dry TV commentary or a book that I can't get ...
November 10, 2003 by JillUser
How many couples truly put their marriage first? In a world where 50% of marriages end in divorce (and the other 50% in death Quoted from Justice League), it is easier to just make excuses as to why marriage doesn't work rather than face the fact that most people just don't try. I used to think that I was just being selfish or even a bad mother when considering going out with my husband more often. Now I know that it is the best thing we can do for our family. Life zings by at an alarmin...
November 10, 2003 by JillUser
I was flicking through our local news channels and heard one of them say they were going to have a story about soccer moms that don't like soccer. Imagine that! My oldest is turning 7 and I have been told I am already behind on getting him into soccer. Does he want to play soccer? No. Do I want to spend the money, force him to go and live in my car? No. I spoke to a mom in the neighborhood that said she spends about $5k a year on soccer for 2 kids...yikes! She was complaining that they...
November 9, 2003 by JillUser
I haven't seen the interview with Barbara Walters yet (don't even know when it airs) but saw a bit of her talking about it to Bill O'Reilly and had to laugh. Barbara mentioned that Martha was basically a woman who "did it on her own". I give Martha a lot of credit for being self motivated and creative but not self-made . I know enough about her to know that she was an unhappy homemaker that started a catering business with a lot of help from her then husband. I laughed because ...