The adventures of Mommy woman
Published on January 15, 2007 By JillUser In Blogging

I recently had an interesting experience.  I initially met my son's friend's mother on the phone then met her in person today and got totally different impressions.  I don't think this has ever happened before.  Sure, some people have seemed a little different in person or I envisioned them looking a little different.  This woman seems very ditzy on the phone and not at all in person.

This lead me to wonder what kind of impression I give on the phone.  Do I sound like a nice person or a bitch?  Do I sound ditzy or intelligent?  Do I sound old or young?

I have been lead to believe that I sound young on the phone.  People who call and don't know me ask if my mother is home.  I then tell them she isn't but that I would take a message

Anyone have the experience of meeting someone and getting a totally different impression than that of them on the phone?

on Jan 15, 2007

Your Son's Mother?

And yes, on the voice.  I once did Yogi Bear on a tape recorded.  My cousins swear I was him.  But I never heard it.

on Jan 15, 2007
I initially met my son's mother on the phone then met her in person today

sooo dare I ask - do you have multiple personalities???

Which son's mother? I mean, it only took you 9 or 5 years? Gosh
on Jan 15, 2007
Your Son's Mother?

My thoughts exactly. Clarification, JillUser? Please?
on Jan 15, 2007
Sorry folks, mush brain today.  I really shouldn't be blogging.  I meant, of course, my son's friend's mother.  Better go edit that.
on Jan 15, 2007
I thought I must have done something stupid when I saw there were 3 comments already.  I knew I wasn't that interesting of a writer.
on Jan 15, 2007
I meant, of course, my son's friend's mother.

Tis ok! Now do you want to hear my Yogi immitation?
on Jan 15, 2007
I have different voices and personalities on the phone depending on the nature of the call. On some calls, where I want to be intimidating to get something done I use my normal, deep, hard voice. I have a "nice" voice that I use when speaking with a woman on the phone. My last girlfriend told me once that when I used that voice I sounded gay. I just had to laugh as I thought I was just using a "nice" voice.

You can never tell about a person by what you perceive on the phone.

I've had more than one woman tell me, when I was using my normal speaking voice, that I sounded "sexy". Geez, if they only knew how ugly I really was
on Jan 15, 2007
I am like Mason with the phone - it depends on what I want to accomplish that will dictate the attitude and persona, curt, sweet, blonde, professional, friendly, aggressive - i get more accomplished over the phone than I have ever done in person. For me the phone is a good tool.
on Jan 15, 2007

Ya,  my former gentleman friend sounded awful on the phone,  i envisioned him being about 5 feet high with a mean look to his face.  ,  he was 6 feet tall,  had an engaging smile and the softest blue eyes....

It's happened in reverse too!!  with both men and women!  I thought they'd look one way and they were total opposites!  btw,  when dharma called me last summer I didn't know who she was,  however she sounds as nice as she is for real.

on Jan 15, 2007
i get more accomplished over the phone than I have ever done in person.

I usually get far more accomplished in person. I have a talent for being intimidating, even when I don't mean to be.
on Jan 16, 2007
I hate using the phone... but I can sound pretty professional when I have to. However, like you, I have a 'young' voice. I get a lot of calls asking me if my parents are home... which is just creepy. I then tend to give the caller hell for that.