Mental stability is my super power. I'm not a trophy wife, I'm not a Martha Stewart, I'm not athletic, I'm just stable...usually. Pregnancy hormones take even that away though. I'm left feeling like a useless blob when they kick in. I am normally an unusually level headed, logical person. I'm usually happy unless given a good reason to become otherwise. Not so right now. I had an hour long cry over something that wouldn't have phased me at all normally...
I have reached the point where I can really feel the baby moving and kicking around. It is an amazing thing since a lot of people probably can't even tell I'm pregnant but I can feel the baby moving. There is nothing in life like it. My poor hubby is jealous because he can't feel her movements from outside yet. Pretty soon she'll be big enough though. She's already big enough to play soccer with my bladder and kidneys. She's a night owl like the other two were. ...
When trying to post my last article I kept getting an error message telling me to try again. I tried 4 times only to find out that it posted all 4 times. So I went to my account to delete the extaineous copies...I can't! Aargh!
I love the home I'm in right now but I, like many others I'm sure, daydream about a "dream house". I've always wanted a pool but our backyard is too small and is also a wind tunnel. I would also love to custom design my bathrooms and kitchen with all the new stuff they have out these days. I think the one thing a would really want would be a much bigger, well organize laundry room complete with two washers and two driers. I saw that show about the family with 16 kids who bui...
I don't know about you, but when it comes to Daylight Savings, I much rather "Fall Behind" and gain an hour than Spring Ahead. This weekend we lose a precious hour. As if weekends aren't short enough already! I guess I need to remind myself that it means Spring is here and we will have more sunshine and light later in the day soon. Our neighbors are already coming out of hybernation. Our next door neighbor had a baby in November and I saw her for the first time yesterd...
It is a good thing I don't have anything more thought intensive than laundry planned for today. I woke up feeling foggy brained. Do you ever have one of those mornings that you just feel hazy? I went to bed with a bad sinus headache. The weather has changed for the better which I won't complain about but any big change usually means big pain for me for a day or so. I also had some lower back pain that was keeping me from floating off to sleep. I usually sleep on ...
I had the big ultrsound this morning. Everything looks perfectly normal. When the technician focused on the nether regions, guess what...there was something missing! It's a girl! It was a very clear picture. So clear that they can see the chambers and vessels of the heart. The technician pointed everything out clearly and even did a video tape for us. I am in shock. Ryan stated this morning that it would be a girl. Alex still figured it would be a ...
I am a happy person. I like who I am (for the most part) and think people appreciate that. I am not, however, particularly confident. My sister has always had a confidence that I didn't. She has the ability to put herself out there and show no doubt. I, on the other hand, am always filled with doubt. I never assume to know anything more than anyone else on any subject other than what pertains to my specific life. I don't believe I have any particular talent...
A family at our school has just experienced any parent's worst nightmare. Their fourth grade son lost his battle with cancer. Two years ago they discovered a tumor in his brain. He spent those two years in treatment after treatment. The cancer spread into his spine and he passed away last night just before midnight. I am part of our schools fan out system. I am in charge of calling a list of families when something big happens at school. I got the call at 7...
Aside from wearing something green, I really don't do much on St. Pat's day. The only times we have ever "celebrated" it was when friends would have a party. I never even tried green beer! It seems our kids' school makes a bit of a deal out of it. They have green snacks and have been talking about leprechauns and shamrocks. My kindergartner even had to build a leprechaun trap. So, do you celebrate? If so, how?
The never ending things in my life: Domestic- Laundry dishes what's for dinner? bills stacks of paperwork dusting cleaning in general Family- Love for Worry about proud of thankful for Looking forward to the future Remembering the past (just a bit of stream of consciousness writing)
I am having friends over tomorrow to scrapbook and hang out. My house is, well, let's say less than presentable at the moment. And what am I doing about it? I'm sitting here blogging! I know I need to clean toilets, dust, vac, etc. but I just don't feel motivated. I am such a procrastinator! I let so much pile up that it feels overwhelming and I don't know where to I don't. Anyone else suffer this affliction? How do you cope? I suppose I...
My 9yr old, Alex, got his hair cut today. When he was finished the receptionist at the Salon asked him in a babyish way "Would you like a treat?" He replied, "What to you take me for, a dog? First you groom me, then you ask me if I want a 'treat'. (said with a grin in a stand-up comedian delivery)." Luckily everyone in the salon burst out laughing and thought he was hilarious and clever. The lady who did his hair, the owner of the salon, said she can't get over how gro...
After reading a lot of the responses to the recent activity her on JU I felt compelled to defend a few things about the site. First of all, I am sick to death of people claiming there should be some fear about what you write about in your blogs. If you really believe that, you haven't been paying attention. Sure, you can't Title your blog 'So-n-So on JU is a @#$%'. You can't make your article about what an asshole some blogger, admin or Brad is. You can however make co...
What a nice way to end the day. A cup of wonderful tea delivered to me a while back from a friend in the UK (who better to get tea from?), a valentine cookie made for me by my mom, and a bit of blogging on JU. And it is almost that magical time of evening I call "bedtime for the boys". I can breathe a sigh of relief once the boys are nestled safely in bed. One more day I kept them alive After all, that is the main job for mothers of boys, isn't it? Monday was kind...