My 9yr old, Alex, got his hair cut today. When he was finished the receptionist at the Salon asked him in a babyish way "Would you like a treat?" He replied, "What to you take me for, a dog? First you groom me, then you ask me if I want a 'treat'. (said with a grin in a stand-up comedian delivery)." Luckily everyone in the salon burst out laughing and thought he was hilarious and clever.
The lady who did his hair, the owner of the salon, said she can't get over how grown up he is in respect to conversation. He's like talking to a mini grown up most of the time. For instance, she asked him if he would change dirty diapers when the new baby comes. He replied "No thank you. No odorous packages for me!" I don't know many 9yr olds that use the kind of vocabulary he uses.
He is still 9yrs old emotionally but he is more mature in some ways than a lot of 'grown ups' I know. I never know how people are going to react to him. One time he was playing with girls down the road. They had a snow ball fight and apparently figured they could throw snowballs at him without him returning fire. When he did, they started crying and he told them "You're just homourless! It's a snowball fight!" They complained to me that he was "being mean and called them a bad word." When I asked what bad word and they said 'humourless', it took all I could muster to not laugh at them.