The adventures of Mommy woman
Or is he just a wise guy?
Published on March 2, 2006 By JillUser In Blogging

My 9yr old, Alex, got his hair cut today.  When he was finished the receptionist at the Salon asked him in a babyish way "Would you like a treat?"  He replied, "What to you take me for, a dog?  First you groom me, then you ask me if I want a 'treat'. (said with a grin in a stand-up comedian delivery)."  Luckily everyone in the salon burst out laughing and thought he was hilarious and clever.

The lady who did his hair, the owner of the salon, said she can't get over how grown up he is in respect to conversation.  He's like talking to a mini grown up most of the time.  For instance, she asked him if he would change dirty diapers when the new baby comes.  He replied "No thank you.  No odorous packages for me!"  I don't know many 9yr olds that use the kind of vocabulary he uses.

He is still 9yrs old emotionally but he is more mature in some ways than a lot of 'grown ups' I know.  I never know how people are going to react to him.  One time he was playing with girls down the road.  They had a snow ball fight and apparently figured they could throw snowballs at him without him returning fire.  When he did, they started crying and he told them "You're just homourless!  It's a snowball fight!"  They complained to me that he was "being mean and called them a bad word."  When I asked what bad word and they said 'humourless', it took all I could muster to not laugh at them.

on Mar 02, 2006
The oldest usually grows up the fastest.  But you have another jay Leno on your hands!
on Mar 02, 2006
A friend of a friend's daughter talked like your son. She was 7, and talked like a grown-up. Her mother told me she thought it came from that fact that her and her husband talked to their daughter like a grown-up. They never used babytalk to communicate to her.

btw ... I hope you share some more of his humor.
on Mar 02, 2006
---The oldest usually grows up the fastest.  But you have another jay Leno on your hands!---

Doc, he is nothing like Jay Leno ... Jill's son IS funny.
on Mar 02, 2006
Doc, he is nothing like Jay Leno ... Jill's son IS funny.

Uncle! I should have said a Udigit!
on Mar 02, 2006
Udig, we always have conversed with him as an adult too. Girls tend to usually be a bit more advanced early on in communication skills. I think that is why it is all the more surprising with him being a boy.

I hope you share some more of his humor.

I really do need to make a conscious effort to write things down when he says them because he says hilarious stuff all the time.

Doc, he is nothing like Jay Leno ... Jill's son IS funny.

Thanks! I haven't watched any of the late night guys in a while. I like Conan though. My hubby discourages Alex from being the class clown since that isn't something that wins you respect. I think his humour is over his classmates' heads anyway.
on Mar 02, 2006
I am hoping he doesn't become a politician but he sure would be good at it. He has a keen sense of knowing what people want to hear and delivering it. He told me the other day that I looked like I was in my early 20s. I love that kid! He heard a woman say she was due to have a baby in May and he told her she looked far too skinny to be pregnant. I think he made her day with that one judging by her smile.

Brad tries to trip him up by asking who he loves more, mommy or daddy, and he is always diplomatic and answers that he loves us both equally. He says both of his grandmas are equally good in their own ways. He's a wise young man.
on Mar 02, 2006
Oh man, that is hilarious. I love it when kids surprise you with what they say!
on Mar 02, 2006
I love it when kids surprise you with what they say!

He surprises me all the time.
on Mar 03, 2006
He told me the other day that I looked like I was in my early 20s.

He heard a woman say she was due to have a baby in May and he told her she looked far too skinny to be pregnant.

hehehe, that's good stuff!
on Mar 03, 2006
People might get to hear the clever little guy on PowerUserTV next week. He is going in to record today and if all goes well he will be included on Mondays Podcast. The smartie pants was a play tester for GalCiv II and actually caught a couple of big probelems before it went gold. They interviewed the GalCiv II team for the podcast and wanted to include him. He is totally psyched!
on Mar 03, 2006

My 10 year old boy is fairly articulate for his age.

Every year his teachers tell me the same thing.  "Usually the most mature person in the class is a girl, but this year its your son."

Inside I cringe because he is very smart, but mature?  Not even.

When we first moved here my aunt asked him why he wasn't making friends faster.  He was already into the second month of school and only had one friend.

He said, "Most of the boys in my class are out of control.  I find the exact same situation on the school bus."

She asked him what he meant by out of control.

He said, "They act like they have no sense.  They rough house so much it always ends in a fist fight.  They don't have proper boundaries."

When he was 4 he sat down beside me on the couch and held my hand and said, "Mom.  We need to talk about you taking some parenting classes."

Uh, yeah.  Nothing like your 4 year old saying you suck.

When he was two I was reading a book on discipline.  Well somehow he made the connection because he threw that book in the toilet, then wagged his finger in my face and said, "No no Mama.  Bad book."

My second is more physical, not as articulate, but every bit as smart.  He just shows it in other ways.

I love kid stories can't ya tell? haha

on Mar 03, 2006

Inside I cringe because he is very smart, but mature? Not even.

Often in School, Children act way different.  be glad at least your son is not acting bad, and instead acting the mature one.

on Mar 04, 2006
Jay?--nah, more like Jack Benny--good, dry humor.
on Mar 05, 2006
--good, dry humor.

He does have dry humor. It really cracks me up but I may be a wee bit byassed
on Mar 06, 2006
That's part of comedy--tears and laughter.