The adventures of Mommy woman
JillUser's Articles In Blogging » Page 7
June 23, 2006 by JillUser
I didn't get Angela's permission to blog about this because I haven't gotten the chance to talk to her yet.  I figured she would appreciate some well wishing though.  She was in a car accident on the way home from work last night and spent the night in the hospital. I only have third hand information and hope to hear from her this afternoon or evening when she is expected to be home.  The info I got came from her husband to her mom and what they said was that she was rear-ended...
June 11, 2006 by JillUser
It seems like every store I go into now has its own store customer member card.  I have them from a couple of local grocery stores I frequent and have a bookstore card also.  Of course I have a video rental card but luckily they also accept my driver's license because I never seem to have the darn card on me. That is the problem with those cards.  It seems I never have them with me when it would actually do me any good.  Half the time the grocery stores don't even require ...
June 1, 2006 by JillUser
From the waist up I probably look like a fairly normal pregnant woman.  My legs, ankles and feet are freakish though.  The swelling is totally out of control and I have veins that make it look and feel all the more wonderful. Of course it is incredibly hot right now so I want to wear shorts and skirts.  Unfortunately that lends itself to having my freaky lower half exposed.  I am certain I make people uncomfortable just by looking at me because I see the looks on their fac...
May 23, 2006 by JillUser
I'm not happy with myself right now.  I'm moody, tired, achy, emotional, crabby, scatter brained and needy.  I can't take even the smallest criticism without feeling like I'm going to cry.  By 3PM I feel like I need a nap...I hate it! I don't remember being like this with my other two.  I don't know if my body is that different now or if my expectations are different.  I do think I'm a lot more hormonal this time and have heard that many moms expecting girls feel that...
May 17, 2006 by JillUser
I love my children dearly and luckily have the ability to laugh most of the time rather than getting cranky and fed up.  I have to remind myself that the constant "Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!" is because they love and need me not because they are purposely trying to make me lose my mind. Those of you who are fellow SNL fans and have small children probably understood the title right away.  Chris Farley had a skit where he had celebrities on, would ask them "Remember when you____?"  Th...
May 12, 2006 by JillUser
I finally have a free minute so I thought I would write down a quick synopsis of our TX trip for those of you interested. On 4/27 we headed to Dallas. Everything went very well. My hubby had the forethought to rent a car with GPS...Thank god!! Dallas highways are crazy! We stayed at the Hilton Suites North Dallas which was right across the street from the Galleria Mall. That turned out to be a most excellent feature of our stay. Or first night we got settled into the room and headed...
April 25, 2006 by JillUser
Getting ready for vacation is a whole lot like work!  First comes nailing down dates, flights and hotels.  Then there's making lists of things you want to make sure to pack.  Of course you have to do some shopping to get some of those things.  There's also the subject of keeping up on the laundry so you have enough clean clothes to pack. I am now at the point of getting things arranged for the house and about to do the actual packing.  I am always a bit uptight until ...
April 11, 2006 by JillUser
I planned on getting plenty of rest- I didn't fall asleep until around 3AM I planned on getting up as soon as the alarm went off to exercise- I slept an extra half hour I planned on not snacking tonight- I just got done having some blackberries and Special K (guess it could be worse) I planned on getting to bed early tonight- here I am blogging at 10:30 and I'm wide awake!! (so is the baby.  She's what kept me up last night too).
April 7, 2006 by JillUser
Mental stability is my super power.  I'm not a trophy wife, I'm not a Martha Stewart, I'm not athletic, I'm just stable...usually.  Pregnancy hormones take even that away though.  I'm left feeling like a useless blob when they kick in. I am normally an unusually level headed, logical person.  I'm usually happy unless given a good reason to become otherwise.  Not so right now.  I had an hour long cry over something that wouldn't have phased me at all normally...
April 5, 2006 by JillUser
I have reached the point where I can really feel the baby moving and kicking around.  It is an amazing thing since a lot of people probably can't even tell I'm pregnant but I can feel the baby moving.  There is nothing in life like it. My poor hubby is jealous because he can't feel her movements from outside yet.  Pretty soon she'll be big enough though.  She's already big enough to play soccer with my bladder and kidneys. She's a night owl like the other two were. ...
April 3, 2006 by JillUser
When trying to post my last article I kept getting an error message telling me to try again.  I tried 4 times only to find out that it posted all 4 times.  So I went to my account to delete the extaineous copies...I can't!  Aargh!
April 2, 2006 by JillUser
I love the home I'm in right now but I, like many others I'm sure, daydream about a "dream house".  I've always wanted a pool but our backyard is too small and is also a wind tunnel.  I would also love to custom design my bathrooms and kitchen with all the new stuff they have out these days. I think the one thing a would really want would be a much bigger, well organize laundry room complete with two washers and two driers.  I saw that show about the family with 16 kids who bui...
March 31, 2006 by JillUser
I don't know about you, but when it comes to Daylight Savings, I much rather "Fall Behind" and gain an hour than Spring Ahead.  This weekend we lose a precious hour.  As if weekends aren't short enough already! I guess I need to remind myself that it means Spring is here and we will have more sunshine and light later in the day soon.  Our neighbors are already coming out of hybernation.  Our next door neighbor had a baby in November and I saw her for the first time yesterd...
March 30, 2006 by JillUser
It is a good thing I don't have anything more thought intensive than laundry planned for today.  I woke up feeling foggy brained.  Do you ever have one of those mornings that you just feel hazy? I went to bed with a bad sinus headache.  The weather has changed for the better which I won't complain about but any big change usually means big pain for me for a day or so.  I also had some lower back pain that was keeping me from floating off to sleep.  I usually sleep on ...
March 28, 2006 by JillUser
I had the big ultrsound this morning.  Everything looks perfectly normal.  When the technician focused on the nether regions, guess what...there was something missing!  It's a girl! It was a very clear picture.  So clear that they can see the chambers and vessels of the heart.  The technician pointed everything out clearly and even did a video tape for us. I am in shock.  Ryan stated this morning that it would be a girl.  Alex still figured it would be a ...