The adventures of Mommy woman
Published on May 23, 2006 By JillUser In Blogging

I'm not happy with myself right now.  I'm moody, tired, achy, emotional, crabby, scatter brained and needy.  I can't take even the smallest criticism without feeling like I'm going to cry.  By 3PM I feel like I need a nap...I hate it!

I don't remember being like this with my other two.  I don't know if my body is that different now or if my expectations are different.  I do think I'm a lot more hormonal this time and have heard that many moms expecting girls feel that way.

I remember worrying during the first pregnancy about whether or not I would be good at caring for my baby.  The first one survived quite well so for the second one I was more worried about having time and energy enough for both.  This time, I'm not so worried about the infant stage but worried about parenting a girl once she starts getting into the drama (which seems to start around 3rd grade) along with teenage boys.

I also worry about being old.  I was 15 when my mom was my age.  I hope I'm not too old to do a good job with my kids.  I worry too much I'm sure.  It's what I do.

Today all I did was get kids off to school, shop at Sam's Club, unload stuff, walk to and from school and now I'm beat.  I hate that!  I still have a couple of hours of tee-ball, baths and bedtime ahead of me....I want to go to bed now

These last two months might be the longest of my life.  I just need to focus on the thought of having a healthy baby girl soon.  I just wish I was enjoying this time more.  Am I crazy?

on May 23, 2006

worried about parenting a girl once she starts getting into the drama (which seems to start around 3rd grade) starts at about age 2.... Girls are *way* more emotional then boys.  When they get hurt, they don't shake it off- they turn it into a pity party.  The "sugar and spice and everything nice" is a lie, I tell you!!!

Well, at least you only have the hottest month in Michigan to be pregnant in.  I'm not helping much, am I? 

on May 23, 2006

Are you RH-?  I guess your doc checked for that.

You are doing fine!  You are glowing and your children are knowing it.  But the hormones are getting your goat. Time for some chocolate!

on May 23, 2006
I know how ya feel! I was a raging hormonal maniac when pregnant with both my boys. I hated it. (So did everyone else around me.)

Maybe you could hire some help for the last two months. A sitter/house cleaner that is there to help with the two boys you can lay down and take a nap when you want. Maybe she could come 4 hours a day...that's only 20 hours a week and should be reasonable.
on May 23, 2006
Nope not crazy - pregnant. At least it's a temporary condition. Hang in there. You'll be a great mom and think of how much fun it will be to dress up a little girl in pink rosebuds and lacy rhumba panties and paint her nails and do her hair with pretty ribbons and bows.

This is from the mom of three boys so I think a girl would be great fun.
on May 23, 2006
I'm not helping much, am I?

Nope. Not so much.

Are you RH-?

No. Why?

Maybe you could hire some help for the last two months.

My hubby did mention hiring a part time maid. I am starting to like the idea but was offended at first. His initial comment on the subject just made me feel like a useless homemaker.

think of how much fun it will be to dress up a little girl in pink rosebuds and lacy rhumba panties and paint her nails and do her hair with pretty ribbons and bows.

I'm trying to stay focused on those thoughts because I am truly looking forward to some girlie time. I was certain I would be in the 'my three sons' club so I guess I won't truly believe that isn't the case until I see the goods in person.
on May 23, 2006
Aww, hang in there. You should be enjoying this time not being stressed and a maid would take a great load off your back.

on May 23, 2006
You're a pregnant woman, of course you're crazy
on May 24, 2006
Aww, hang in there.

I appreciate that.

You're a pregnant woman, of course you're crazy

Gee, thanks. It's a good thing we are crazy enough to get pregnant. Our species would have died out in the beginning otherwise. My husband and boys just keep saying "Man, I'm glad I'm a guy!"
on May 24, 2006

Nope. Not so much.

Of course, you know me- ever the ray of sunshine, eh? LOL

Are you RH-?

No. Why?

It's the whole issue of carrying an RH+ child if you are RH-.  Of course, now they give you some sort of shot early on if you are RH- to counteract the blood type difference (yeah, you can tell I was paying attention to that whole part of pregnancy...).  It basically keeps your body from building antibodies against the baby's blood type.  Of course, since you are RH+, it doesn't matter.

If I lived with 3 males, I'd probably be moody all the time.  So, you're doing fine considering that you're starting the final months of pregnancy.

on May 24, 2006
If I lived with 3 males, I'd probably be moody all the time. So, you're doing fine considering that you're starting the final months of pregnancy.

I appreciate that I'm not such a fan of the metal bleachers at the baseball park right now. As if my back didn't hurt enough before, I went and sat on a backless metal bench for 2 hours during Alex's game and thought I would never walk again afterward.
on May 24, 2006
Aww, Debbie I am sorry you're feeling so down. Just remember, its the hormones, not you! You have nothing to worry about because you are already a great mom! I'm sure you will be fine with a girl, and you will have so much fun with all the new girlie clothes and toys you could never get before! Try to get all the rest you need. Ever think of doing one of those exercise videos like YogaMama for pregnancies? Maybe that will give you more energy. Feel better!
on May 24, 2006
appreciate that I'm not such a fan of the metal bleachers at the baseball park right now. As if my back didn't hurt enough before, I went and sat on a backless metal bench for 2 hours during Alex's game and thought I would never walk again afterward.

You should get one of those portable seats that has the back rest on it. I don't know how many baseball games you have left but I think your back would thank you.

Growing that baby is hard work.
on May 24, 2006
You have nothing to worry about because you are already a great mom!

Thanks Jen. Parenting really is the toughest job if you care about doing it right.

Ever think of doing one of those exercise videos like YogaMama for pregnancies?

I actually mentioned that when I saw the doc today. She said she wouldn't advise that I do any stretching intensive exercise like yoga or pilates since I seem to have an over abundance of relaxin in my system. Relaxin is the hormone that allows your ligaments to stretch. That is a good thing for childbirth but can be painful and potential dangerous. If you stretch ligaments that are already relaxed to capacity, you can tear. The stretchy ligaments can also allow the hips and pelvis to become malaligned. That's what gives you the just kicked in the crotch feeling.

The good news is, she recommended massage The other good news is that the baby and I seem to be in such good health that I don't have to go back for 3 weeks as opposed to two. It sure helped my mood to be told that everything looks super.

You should get one of those portable seats that has the back rest on it.

You are so right! I'm going to shop for one tomorrow (hopefully).

I got one word for ya, Debbie.


I am a raging chocoholic right now! I also crave ice cream constantly. I am working hard to fight those cravings because putting on more pounds is not going to help my back at all. I think I will ask for an ice cream sundae party for my birthday though

Hope you feel better soon.

Thanks lots LW!
on May 31, 2006

Are you RH-?

No. Why?

If you are RH- and the baby is RH+, it really screws with your metabolism.  My Aunt was like that with 3 of her 4.