Mental stability is my super power. I'm not a trophy wife, I'm not a Martha Stewart, I'm not athletic, I'm just stable...usually. Pregnancy hormones take even that away though. I'm left feeling like a useless blob when they kick in.
I am normally an unusually level headed, logical person. I'm usually happy unless given a good reason to become otherwise. Not so right now. I had an hour long cry over something that wouldn't have phased me at all normally. I really hate that!
I don't like feeling needy. I prefer feeling needed. I resent feeling like I can't just do whatever needs to be done on my own. I hate not feeling like myself and not understanding why I'm upset. I feel guilty for having any of these feelings during a time that I am so incredibley blessed. What's wrong with me?!!
I am growing a long awaited baby girl in my body. How could I be anything but happy right now? I'm a mess today and am aware of it. I'm not feeling sorry for myself, I'm feeling angry at myself.