The adventures of Mommy woman
Real life in Bugs Bunny reference form
Published on February 13, 2006 By JillUser In Blogging

What a nice way to end the day.  A cup of wonderful tea delivered to me a while back from a friend in the UK (who better to get tea from?), a valentine cookie made for me by my mom, and a bit of blogging on JU.  And it is almost that magical time of evening I call "bedtime for the boys".

I can breathe a sigh of relief once the boys are nestled safely in bed.  One more day I kept them alive   After all, that is the main job for mothers of boys, isn't it?

Monday was kind of a haze due to a bad sinus headache all day.  I can't take my sinus meds (not agreeable to baby apparently) so I had to suffer through.  Breathing in hot tea is nice though.

The boys usually sleep well Monday nights since they have ice skating lessons Monday evenings.  Ryan says he loves skating he just doesn't like the falling part.  Wise young man   Neither of them like skating backward.  Can't say I blame them.

Looks like another cold night here in MI so we will bundle up for our nighty night.  Hope all of you out there had a favorable Monday and have a lovely Valentines Day tomorrow.  The boys are very excited about their class parties.  I'll be happy as long as I don't wake up with another sinus headache.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Feb 13, 2006
The tea is Covent Garden Peach Apricot. Wish you could smell it....mmmmm.
on Feb 13, 2006
Bed time is a magical time. Glad you can sit back, relax and just enjoy it Jill. If there is one thing I know it is this: moms deserve a break every day.
on Feb 13, 2006
If there is one thing I know it is this: moms deserve a break every day.

Gee thanks BlueDev. Dads need it too. I know it is equally stressful to have to come home from work and be bombarded by the family. That is why bed time is magical for all (and often for other reasons as well )

**My apologies to family members and coworkers who read that.
on Feb 13, 2006
Relax..mama..soon you won't...

Have a great Valentines Day!
on Feb 13, 2006
Relax..mama..soon you won't...

Boy are you right there! My days are numbered. I just watched a show on TLC called Bringing Home Baby that truly reminded me of that fact. I'm enjoying it while I can.

Have a great Valentines Day!

Thanks Kelly! You too!
on Feb 14, 2006

One more day I kept them alive After all, that is the main job for mothers of boys, isn't it?

That is a very interesting angle, and very true!  Hope your sinus headache is gone with the dawn.

on Feb 14, 2006
Hope your sinus headache is gone with the dawn.

Not gone but not nearly as bad as yesterday. I'll take it. Alex was so excited about his Valentines party that he started jabbering about how his teacher decorated the room the minute he was awake. He's so funny that way. I love that they get excited about that stuff. There are a lot of kids that do so much all the time that they don't care about the little stuff anymore.
on Feb 14, 2006
That is why bed time is magical for all (and often for other reasons as well )

on Feb 14, 2006
Sorry to hear about your headaches. Relaxing can be the best medicine though! I love curling up at home with some tea and a book. How have you been feeling lately? Any Dr. appointments coming up anytime soon?
on Feb 14, 2006
Have you tried Earl Grey tea? It's a very distinct taste, very mild. Let me know if you'd like to try it and I'll send you some.

There's a remedy for blocked sinuses and stuffy noses that yogis use - it's called a netti pot. You fill the pot with warm water and then tip your head back and put pour the water into your nose. It feels like you're drowning at first, but once you get used to it it's not so bad....and the benefits of having an un-stuffed nose without the drugs is awesome. Here's a page that shows you how to use it:Link
on Feb 14, 2006
It's always nice when the kids have all gone off to bed. That's your private time to do whatever you want and kind of regroup for the next day and it's one of my fav time of the day too. I hope your sinus headaches will get better. I've had the Earl Grey tea and it's delish!
on Feb 14, 2006
How have you been feeling lately? Any Dr. appointments coming up anytime soon?

I have been feeling really good Jen. Thanks for asking. I am out of the exhausting, fear filled first trimester and headed on in to the second. I am not exhausted like in the first 3 months and I feel a little more at ease knowing that I am past the period when the vast majority of miscarriages happen. Plus, I got to see the little tike on ultrasound.

My next appt. is March 1. I think they just take more blood and make sure I'm not having any unusual symptoms. I think things will progress quickly from here. I am still in my regular jeans but I must admit, they are feeling quite snug. The tummy seems to pop out sooner for each pregnancy.
on Feb 14, 2006
Have you tried Earl Grey tea?

I have some Earl Grey and like it, thanks. I like flavored teas a lot though.

it's called a netti pot.

I've been suffering from sinusitis since I was quite young. Believe it or not, my mom had me trying stuff like that at a very early age. We've tried pretty much everything short of surgery (my dad did that and would never let me go through it). I have tried every OTC sinus med out there to no avail. I have a prescribed med that works nicely but, like I said, I can't have that until after I have the baby. The two non med remedies that bring a lot of comfort are 1) heated aromatherapy pack that fits over sinuses and 2) Those new vapor tablets you put in the shower. Oh, and of course being unconcious is preferred but not allowed much when you're a mom.
on Feb 14, 2006
That's your private time to do whatever you want and kind of regroup for the next day

It is sometimes the only time of day I feel like I can form a complete thought. Some days, by the time the boys go to bed, I just feel like conking out too.
on Feb 14, 2006
I can breathe a sigh of relief once the boys are nestled safely in bed. One more day I kept them alive After all, that is the main job for mothers of boys, isn't it?

As the father of three rambunctious little boys (and one little girl that thinks she's a boy half the time) I find that this statement hits VERY close to home.

Very true, dat.

If they've lived to see another day (didn't kill themselves through some mishap, didn't kill each other out of sibling angst, or convinced me or my wife to strangle them on the spot for doing something ridiculously stupid), I think it's been a good day. Little boys push the envelope so much, you wonder how ANY of us manage to make it to adulthood to procreate.

Now, pardon me, I've got to get back to putting the bars on the windows of my daughter's room. She's growing a little too fast and I need to be ready for when she starts dating ... in 10 years.
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