The adventures of Mommy woman
Published on March 11, 2006 By JillUser In Blogging

I am having friends over tomorrow to scrapbook and hang out.  My house is, well, let's say less than presentable at the moment.  And what am I doing about it?  I'm sitting here blogging!

I know I need to clean toilets, dust, vac, etc. but I just don't feel motivated.  I am such a procrastinator!  I let so much pile up that it feels overwhelming and I don't know where to I don't.

Anyone else suffer this affliction?  How do you cope?  I suppose I need to just jump in.  Just pick a room and work on it. 

I have to get off the computer first

on Mar 11, 2006
when I take cleaning up as a whole I get overwhelmed, so I just take it one small space at a time and get to it. One room cleaning is not so bad, but whole house cleaning makes me nuts, {i trick my brain}
on Mar 11, 2006
Some things I do one step at at time, and others, if I have the energy, I'll just tackle at once (just to get them over with). For example, I like to vacuum one room at a time. I'll do the family room one day, then the upstairs another. As for laundry, if I have some gusto, I'll do several full loads in one day.

I have a problem with procrastination, too, btw.
on Mar 11, 2006
if I have the energy, I'll just tackle at once (just to get them over with).

I know what you mean. Some days I feel energized and will clean like crazy. I have a headache right now and don't feel energetic in the least. I guess that is my main problem today. Yesterday I did several loads of laundry. Today I fed my family and blogged. I am hoping some energy will kick in soon. Maybe I need chocolate
on Mar 11, 2006
Great music get's me motivated. Also if you just can't get started set the timer for 15 minutes and tell yourself you only have to clean until the buzzer goes off. Ususally you're right, it's just getting started. Check out She's helped me a ton in getting my routines down and keeping up with my work.

Also you're kids are probably still little enough that they think helping is fun. Give them a list. My boys don't like to clean but somehow if I give them a list, it motivates them.

Oh and step away from the computer. This is a big one for me too. It came be such a time sucker sometimes. I've been on here how long?
on Mar 11, 2006
A stiff coffee + a pseudoephedrine.


An energy drink.
on Mar 12, 2006
I remember when we sold our last house because I was being transferred overseas, my wife had to take some of our cats across country to live with her parents which left the cleaning of a much neglected house to yours truly.

So, I took a leisurely drive to Barnes and Nobles and selected several books on tape, sat and had a nice coffee, and then drove home.

Listening to a book on tape made the housework fly by (and the coffee kept me motivated long enough to get into the book )
on Mar 13, 2006
Thanks Locamam! Very helpful tips!

Not I, I'm pregnant so no can do on your suggestions. Glad they help you though.

OckhamsRazor, I have heard a lot of good things about books on tape. I might just have to try that. thanks!
on Mar 13, 2006
I only get really motivated with my back against the wall. Now it doesn't always have to be life or death or even anything serious. I can prorastinate better than most.

I just started work on a project I talked to a guy about in November. He was ready to start when we both got up from the table. I wasn't motivated. Now I want to buy a few things for my PC so I need some disposable income and I called him. I started yesterday. I told him we would take the project in small bites so he didn't have to learn too much at once but that he shouldn't feel bashful about calling me to tell me to get over there.

I know who I am. If you aren't in my face and you need something from me ... well ... be prepared to wait.

Suggestions, from me? Wait till the last minute. It works for me!
on Mar 13, 2006
it's funny, I do most of the cooking for myself and my wife, and I hardly ever have a problem getting motivated to do up afterward, though? Gahhhhhhhh, no motivation, none at all. The closes I come to getting motivated is when I don't have enough pots clean to cook with.
on Mar 13, 2006
I hear ya Just John!

The closes I come to getting motivated is when I don't have enough pots clean to cook with.

I'm not quite that bad Myr but I know I am astonished when women tell me they can't sleep if there are any dirty dishes. that has never kept me up
on Mar 13, 2006
There is a great workshop about getting over procrastination. I've been meaning to take it myself but haven't gotten around to it yet.
on Mar 14, 2006
There is a great workshop about getting over procrastination. I've been meaning to take it myself but haven't gotten around to it yet.

~Rim shot~ Oh, man. That one's older than I am!