Dharma's blog about seeing things through a child's eyes really got me thinking about my life. I am sure I am criticized by other women in my neighborhood because my house is such a mess more often than not. Here's why I pity them, they don't get it. They are missing out on the fun because they are so worried about their house being in show-worthy condition. We live in our house. There are legos all over the living room floor, play-doh is all over our kitchen island ri...
Well, he saw the movie "A Christmas Story", we talked about it, but he still did it! My 4yr old son decided to try sticking his tongue on frozen metal and learned his lesson the painful way. I even told him if that ever happened, don't yank it off because all you have to do is pour warm water on it. Did he listen? Obviously not! He screamed, he bled, he cried, he fell asleep with his tongue hanging out. His big brother felt so bad for him. He just went out ...
This evening my sweet little 4yr old boy came to me with a quivering chin. I asked what was wrong and he said "Nature took some kids' parents away." I asked him if he was talking about the big wave that they had been talking about on the news and he said he was. I said "You know that you and mommy and daddy are safe here in the house right?" He said "Yes, and nothing can get my brother at school." I told him that was right and wished I could believe it myself. I ...
I have been battling our 12 ft. artificial Christmas tree and am conceding round one. I got all of the segments up from the basement, identified and got the base, skirt and bottom two segments assembled in place. The third segment is at just the right level that I have to get the ladder. I tried standing on a chair but it is so high, heavy and awkward that the attempt ended in a lot of cussing and back pain. My hands and arms are all scratched up and I am trying for the life...
We recently attended our school's 2nd Annual Fundraiser Ball. Last year they raised almost $40,000! I haven't heard yet how much they made this time but it is probably comparable. It is a formal event and this year they even had a red carpet and a Joan Rivers impersonator. Her voice was dead on but she was a much more attractive lady. They video taped her "interviewing" people as they entered and throughout the evening. I bet they have some great black mail mater...
One of my many jobs as a stay-at-home mom is to be the sole planner of all family and social events. I planned and executed a very successful euchre tournament last weekend, this weekend will be family day at the pumpkin patch/cider mill, niece's birthday and baseball party. Next weekend is, of course, Halloween. The first weekend in Nov is our school's charity ball and I am hosting a birthday party for a dear friend. I will then be well on my way to planning for Thanksgi...
I was reading through my November issue of Redbook last night and came across an article about entertaining. One of the statements in the article was "A good host greets guests at the door with a cocktail and a warm welcome". I guess I'm not a good host and have never been in the presence of one! My first thought was of the Home Economics class films I had to view about etiquette. They were from the 50s and always stated things like "A good housewife always listens to wha...
My 4yr old is very cuddly in the morning. This morning he wanted me to carry him down stairs. I picked him up and he rested his little head between my neck and shoulder, a perfect fit. He wrapped his legs around my waist, his little bum just fit in my hands. What a wonderful feeling to have him all snuggled up. He likes me to sit with him and watch cartoons until he really wakes up. Once awake, he is okay with me leaving him for the purpose of getting his breakfa...
We have a giant roll of paper in the kitchen which the boys tear off desired lengths from and create their own works of art. We have a box of crayons, markers, stickers, scissors etc. they use to get the job done with. I love seeing what they come up with! Last night they were at it while I was doing dishes. The 4yr old finished his and said "look what I made mommy!" I glanced and said "That's wonderful....what is it?" He pointed out a rainbow which was very reco...
Since my first born was a preschooler we have moved into a new home. I had such a great time during his preschool years. Blues Clues was a daily ritual and the house was always covered with toys. It was never quiet because he was always singing little songs or talking to and with his toys. Now my "baby" is 4. He is watching Blues Clues and playing similar games as big brother. Bigger house, more toys but same fun. He is talking to his cars right now and was...
Both of my children are starting to go on field trips with school already. I wasn't able to chaperone my 7yr olds trip to the park and science center because they didn't allow siblings. I do, however, get to chaperone my 4yr olds trip to the cider mill next week. I am quite excited for both of us. We car pool so our kids don't ride the bus. One of the most exciting things for the boys regarding field trips is getting to ride the bus. Ah, the simple pleasures.&nbs...
I guess it is the mom in me but I love having a full house. I enjoy taking care of friends and family and having them stay with us. I am most content when surrounded by people to interact with. We have a friend who will be staying with us for 10 days and I am quite looking forward to it. I love having a large group at dinner and a house full of conversation and activity. Our house is always full of activity with two young boys but it is nice to have other adults a...
I'm writing this because I was wondering if this is the case anywhere other than my local school district; we get a crazy list of required supplies now and I am wondering what the heck our taxes are paying for! I can't believe how much I just spent on stuff my 2nd grader is required to have. Examples: Expo dry erase markers- large ones 4 large glue sticks-$.99 each ~what ever happened to the large economy sized tubs of paste? 2 containers of Clorox wipes!!!! What the heck?!&...
The other night my hubby and I were watching some shows we recorded on Tivo. We had some microwave popcorn and reminisced about the days when we had to put oil and corn in a pan and shake it over the stove top in order to make popcorn. It took a long time and didn't even taste that great. Boy have we come a long way since then! Today I was hosting a family cookout. I got some steaks out of the freezer and defrosted them in the microwave in about 6 minutes. I just...
Well, today started out like a Summer day. It was sunny and 80 degrees. Then the clouds rolled in, it poured rain and got dark and cold. It is about 60 degrees now. So I am making chicken frame soup from the leftovers of our roasted chicken dinner. In case you aren't familiar with this, you take the frame from your chicken or turkey, simmer it with some onion and garlic salt for about 1.5 hrs, take the frame out, strain the broth, salvage as much meat off the bones as ...