The adventures of Mommy woman

I just caught a little bit of Good Morning America's coverage from Iowa and had to switch to Noggin (for my toddler and for my sanity).  Chris Cuomo was seated with what was obviously a cherry picked group who had very different views on  how to pick a president.  The one that really got to me was the young woman.

They went around the table and said who they were supporting.  The one man who sounded most intelligent and informed said he was undecided.  The young woman said she was supporting Obama.  Stating that she supported Obama isn't what disturbed me, it was her reasoning.  When asked about the issues near and dear to their hearts, the young woman said health care.  Fine, that's a big one that many are concerned about.  But here's the first disturbing part, she just doesn't want to pay for it!

She described herself as a young woman who isn't in college and isn't covered by her parents.  She doesn't want to get married just to be covered and she doesn't want a job  just to be covered.  She, in her own words, just doesn't want to pay for it and none of the candidates are addressing people like her.

Ah yes, her people.  The young, lazy, selfish, unthinking masses who want the "government" to take care of them because "they just don't want to".  Yikes!  But I'm sure she's far from alone on this sentiment.

Here's the kicker though.  When asked why she's picked Obama, she said it would be really cool to have a minority president and noone is talking about that either.  Maybe because it's racist and insane to pick the leader of the free world based on skin color!!

This young, air headed, confident, self involved young person embodies my biggest fears about our country.  Too many of our young people are not thinking in reality.  They are thinking in idealism.  It's all about what would be "cool" and what they want from the government.  No thought behind who will then pay.  Where will the money come from to pay for the things they don't want to work to pay for?

God help us!

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jan 03, 2008
Scary, and she votes (maybe).
on Jan 03, 2008
Scary, and she votes (maybe).

She claimed she'd be voting for Obama.
on Jan 03, 2008
Too many of our young people are not thinking in reality.

you can't think this way.

if your taught this way.

They are thinking in idealism.

on Jan 03, 2008
This is so typical.  Someone doesnt agree with you, and all of the sudden it's appalling that they can vote. 
on Jan 03, 2008
That is a typical liberal. They want "everything", but want someone else to pay for it, nor do they want to work for it themselves.
on Jan 03, 2008

I had to laugh when I read your response to this woman because it sounded just like my grandma and aunt when I was 19 and soooo full of myself.

They usually tagged their comments with "This is our future?  This is what will be in control of our country when I'm old?"

I was uber liberal when younger because I didn't know anything about the real world.  (Thought I knew everything tho.)  I don't know how people can function as adults with real world responsibilities and maintain that unrealistic, idealistic, attitude.

It sounds like this young woman hasn't really experienced the work or go hungry mode in life yet.  Or the, I need a Dr for my kids so I better get a better job.  As long as the carrot of free health care is offered and talked about by politicians there will be a segment of our society that "goes without" while lamenting the unfairness of it all...waiting, just waiting for the gold foiled candy bar.


on Jan 03, 2008

That is a typical liberal. They want "everything", but want someone else to pay for it, nor do they want to work for it themselves

Hehehe, silly Island Dog!

Actually, a typical liberal will go much further then that. You know we all despise the democracy we live in (and we hate ourselses too) What we actually want is to have a socialist revolution. But because we are so lazy (typical of us liberals) we need someone else to have the revolution for us. So really the plan is to weaken the nation by cutting military spending to the bone and beefing up spending on as many social programs as possible. In this weakened state, masses of troops from newly communized south American countries, or even better the Chinese will invade. Then once the takeover is complete everyone will be put into political re-education camps (including us, seeing as we hate ourselves). The new president that will be "provisionally" appointed will of course be good ol' Hugo!

on Jan 03, 2008
I hate my generation.
on Jan 03, 2008

Reply By: Artysim

You been watchin Red Dawn too much.

on Jan 03, 2008

Artysim, I hate to say this (well not really) but that woman really is the typical liberal.  Note we're not saying the ideal liberal or the most loathsome liberal. Just typical. The most common type.

People who want other people to be forced to pay for their lifestyle.  Look at our most prolific liberal blogger on JU - "Col" Gene. He demands that other people pay for programs and benefits he supports and receives but wants to not have to pay himself.

The woman that JillUser observed has the same mentality - they want someone else to pay for their life choices.

The typical liberal doesn't think through issues thoroughly. They simply want stuff and don't want to face the consequences of their choices.

on Jan 03, 2008
This is so typical. Someone doesnt agree with you, and all of the sudden it's appalling that they can vote.

Did I say anywhere that I don't think she should have the right to vote? I just find her reasoning scary. I'm worried about too many people having the same mindset but in no way said that she shouldn't have the right to vote.

I worry about people who don't want to pay for stuff but put no thought into who will foot the bill. Fairness only applies to them not those around them. It is somehow fair that they don't want to pay for health "care" (actually they're talking about insurance) but it's fair that some father of three bust his hump to pay for his own and others. No, the majical creature called "the government" will take care of everyone.

on Jan 03, 2008

This is so typical. Someone doesnt agree with you, and all of the sudden it's appalling that they can vote.

If you aren't appalled that someone's choice to be President is because they think it would be "cool" to have a minority President (no other rationale, they pick their Presidents in the same way that other people pick furniture) then I'm appalled you can vote.

on Jan 03, 2008

Unfortunately, that's the way our democracy works.  There are people who educate themselves on the issues and make a wise vote, regardless of whether you agree with them or not.  There are also people who vote based on, in my opinion, shallow reasons.  As far as this woman's vote for Obama, this is really just to pick each party's candidate.  So if you are Republican, you wouldn't be choosing the Democratic nominee anyway. 

on Jan 03, 2008
Sad to say this reminds me of myself when I was 18-19 or so. Empty headed with no reasoning other than voting for who looked good or maybe even just vote name recognition. I think for me I was just excited to get to vote that I didn't really do my research like I should have at the time. It was a rite of adulthood and it felt good.

But what else can we do? Not let them vote until they're married? Homeowners paying taxes? Not let them vote until they are fully grown adults with heavy responsibilities?

What's even scarier to me than these young people this young girl represents is the older folks who aren't much different. What you may expect from an 18 year old you don't want to see in a much older adult.

A few weeks ago I met an older gentleman maybe in his 60's or so in my new neighborhood who told me he was voting for the woman!! No ifs, ands or buts and he didn't really have a good reason other than he wanted to see a woman in office. When I told him I was thinking about Huckabee he asked...."who?" He never even heard of him.

on Jan 03, 2008
I'm all for requiring a passing grade in a basic civics and literacy test being administered to people wishing to vote, and before anyone starts screaming about 'disenfranchisement' I'd go so far as to say the study materials should be provided free of charge to the user, at taxpayer expense. (If one can't read, literacy programs are already available at no charge.)

F*ck disenfranchisement. I'm all for this. A basic competency test is EXACTLY what we need.

Equality is overrated.
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