Sick of parasites complaining
I felt compelled to write this because of all of the recent ragging on Brad that I have seen. Funny thing is, I am quite certain these people would handle things quite differently if it were in person. I feel for Brad because he is providing a very nice service that some ignorant people think is just free for them to tread all over.
Brad is a very busy business owner. He enjoys blog sites and felt he could provide a good one. I feel he has done an excellent job. People can come here for free, read interesting articles, comment, correspond with others, write their own articles and keep their own web log for free. The way I see it, you have no case to complain. If you don't like the site, don't use it. Find another or create your own.
I liken it to experiences I have had with throwing parties for others. You go through a bunch of work at your own expense, on your own time to do something mainly for others and some of them do nothing but complain. What do you then do in the future? Don't give those people parties!
Brad is more fair to people on this site than most people I know would be. I have seen him feature articles that were directly opposing him by name. He gives everyone a voice as long as they don't abuse it. If you don't have anything constructive to say, don't say it or say it only to yourself.
I think Brad has provided a forum for many interesting debates and discussions. I have read articles that got me thinking, boosted my mood and got my blood boiling. No matter what, it has been inspiring. Please, all you whiners, don't spoil it for those of us who appreciate it. I for one want Brad to keep the party going.