The adventures of Mommy woman
Published on September 3, 2004 By JillUser In Politics

I remember hearing the other day one reporter (can't remember who) commenting that Kerry's testimony in the 70s regarding the atrocities committed by soldiers in Vietnam included him speaking with some weird accent he didn't have when they were growing up together and he hasn't had since.  Tonight, I was listening to the TV in the background while Bush and Kerry spoke to crowds wishing Clinton a speedy recovery regarding his heart surgery and heard something I couldn't believe- Kerry uttered the word "ya'll"!

Kerry has been trying to ride both sides of the fence on all the issues and now he is trying to be a good old boy!  He, in my opinion, is nothing genuine.  He is whoever he thinks his audience at the time wants him to be.  It reminds me of the wise words my parents told me when I was in Jr High, they told me that you can either be true to yourself or you can be popular.  You can't be both.

There might be a lot of people who don't like George W Bush but I feel he is a genuine person who is true to his convictions.  There will never be a president you will agree with on every issue.  I might not agree with Bush on every single issue out there but I know where he stands, respect him and I have great confidence in his cabinet.

Kerry is at the point where he has to decide who he really is, where he stands and show it.  I don't really expect that to happen though.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Sep 05, 2004
Hey Jill,
The "rocket scientist" had to practice that speech 35 times before he did it. The speech was long, dry, and didn't cover the hot topics like his botched economy and failed "get rich quick" adventure into Iraq. The speech, for a simple and small mined man like Bush, was probably good- after all he didn't say anything like the war on terror cannot be won. But once again, we are talking about the President of the United States - the largest, most powerful nation on earth. I don't want a "simple" man that I would like to drink a beer with as president! Or one that thinks God told him to do the things he does! While I agree Bush is not an evil man, he still is a dim wit (and quite honestly an embarrassment). Just what has this "war time" president done in four years? Made us stronger? How? By challenging the world alone? By diverting our actions against the true terrorists and going after a "de fanged" Hussein? Give me a break! The economy? Hahahaha...really chugging along! Net job losses, record deficets! Jill - who is going to pay for those deficets that your "fiscally responsible" Republican Party amassed? You? Your children? Your children's children? Unfortunately hard choices are coming down the road because this "nice guy" ran the country just like he did all his other businesses - bankrupt. I apologize by saying you must be voting for Bush because you hate Democrats - I should have said you strongly dislike them, because there is nothing this fool has done in four years to deserve anything but the door.
on Sep 05, 2004

Reply #16 By: pk65 - 9/5/2004 12:21:21 PM
Hey Jill,
The "rocket scientist" had to practice that speech 35 times before he did it. The speech was long, dry, and didn't cover the hot topics like his botched economy and failed "get rich quick" adventure into Iraq. The speech, for a simple and small mined man like Bush, was probably good- after all he didn't say anything like the war on terror cannot be won. But once again, we are talking about the President of the United States - the largest, most powerful nation on earth. I don't want a "simple" man that I would like to drink a beer with as president! Or one that thinks God told him to do the things he does! While I agree Bush is not an evil man, he still is a dim wit (and quite honestly an embarrassment). Just what has this "war time" president done in four years? Made us stronger? How? By challenging the world alone? By diverting our actions against the true terrorists and going after a "de fanged" Hussein? Give me a break! The economy? Hahahaha...really chugging along! Net job losses, record deficets! Jill - who is going to pay for those deficets that your "fiscally responsible" Republican Party amassed? You? Your children? Your children's children? Unfortunately hard choices are coming down the road because this "nice guy" ran the country just like he did all his other businesses - bankrupt. I apologize by saying you must be voting for Bush because you hate Democrats - I should have said you strongly dislike them, because there is nothing this fool has done in four years to deserve anything but the door.

Yeah but if you vote for Kerry I guarantee "YOU AND I" will be paying for it and any other BS he decides to dig up along the way. He has already catagorically stated that if elected he will raise taxes!
on Sep 05, 2004

Reply #16 By: pk65 - 9/5/2004 12:21:21 PM

Hey Jill,
The "rocket scientist" had to practice that speech 35 times before he did it. The speech was long, dry, and didn't cover the hot topics like his botched economy and failed "get rich quick" adventure into Iraq. The speech, for a simple and small mined man like Bush, was probably good- after all he didn't say anything like the war on terror cannot be won. But once again, we are talking about the President of the United States - the largest, most powerful nation on earth. I don't want a "simple" man that I would like to drink a beer with as president! Or one that thinks God told him to do the things he does! While I agree Bush is not an evil man, he still is a dim wit (and quite honestly an embarrassment). Just what has this "war time" president done in four years? Made us stronger? How? By challenging the world alone? By diverting our actions against the true terrorists and going after a "de fanged" Hussein? Give me a break! The economy? Hahahaha...really chugging along! Net job losses, record deficets! Jill - who is going to pay for those deficets that your "fiscally responsible" Republican Party amassed? You? Your children? Your children's children? Unfortunately hard choices are coming down the road because this "nice guy" ran the country just like he did all his other businesses - bankrupt. I apologize by saying you must be voting for Bush because you hate Democrats - I should have said you strongly dislike them, because there is nothing this fool has done in four years to deserve anything but the door.

And BTW where do you get off claiming Iraq was a "failed get rich quick adventure"? Do NOT tell me we went in for the oil because than is just so much BS that it ain't funny no more. If that's what your saying then BACK IT UP with PROOF! If not then shut up about it.
on Sep 05, 2004
PK is fond of ascribing political beliefs to anyone who has a different viewpoint from his.
He has decided from a single post in a previous blog that I must be republican.
He seems a bit locked in to his hate of the President, and he may have a good reason for it.
Please give some facts, 35 times??

The "rocket scientist" had to practice that speech 35 times before he did it

Where you in his office counting? Seriously, get a sense of humor.
on Sep 05, 2004
If that's what your saying then BACK IT UP with PROOF!

Remember his PROOF, is Micheal Moore's F 9/11.
on Sep 05, 2004
He has already catagorically stated that if elected he will raise taxes!

Since it's kinda unrelated I have created a blog for that. Link

About the limpwristed throw, please remember that camera takes about 25 to 60 pictures a second. Video a conversion long enough, you can get any expression from that, regardless of content and real feeling. It's similar for that, I'm sure.
on Sep 05, 2004
Well at least we know why he didn't play football professionally, hehehe.
on Sep 05, 2004
Joe Montana: "Go Long Kerry!!!"
Kerry: "2 feet good enough?" JOKE
on Sep 05, 2004
Hey little whip, sorry I spelled deficit wrong...but look in the mirror if you want to see a semi-literate fool! (Or if not semi-literate a definate fool) BTW you obviously consider judging me as a semi-literate fool, so being a human like you, I reserve the right to consider this president as one. At least I didn't claim the war on terror cannot be won, or that while the terrorists are working day and night to hurt our country, so are we - like our "brilliant" president did. Why did we go into Iraq then? You don't want any facts - your small mind is already made up and for every fact that someone finds another counter "fact" can be found. For every "goofy" picture someone finds, another one can be found on the other guy. Give me a break. My responses are simply to counter your BS.
on Sep 05, 2004
At least I didn't claim the war on terror cannot be won

Context, my dear PK, that was taken out of context than regurgitated on the masses as the unequivocal proof that Bush is a Flop-Flipper, listen to the interview, and you see that his response was to the question was "Could he win the war in the next four years or near future." Bush said no, just like any sane person would, 4 years is way to optimistic and unrealistic a goal to win a war on terrorism, please inform thyself, before thy informs thy masses.
on Sep 05, 2004
pk65 is quite pissed by the jokes ya'll are making on Kerry.
on Sep 05, 2004
The sense of humor is the first to go, when liberalism sets in. It's part of the PC thing.
on Sep 05, 2004
Please give some facts, 35 times??

As a public speaker, I wouldn't be surprised if he practiced it 35 times. What people who aren't professional public speakers fail to realize is, a lot of preparation goes into giving a speech, to perfect your delivery. Even if he did practice 35 times, this is picking at straws...
on Sep 05, 2004

As a public speaker, I wouldn't be surprised if he practiced it 35 times. What people who aren't professional public speakers fail to realize is, a lot of preparation goes into giving a speech, to perfect your delivery. Even if he did practice 35 times, this is picking at straws...

I'm sure Kerry only practiced his speech 34 times though. I can't believe that there's even a debate as to who's the better candidate.

on Sep 05, 2004
Me neither Missy Buu.....! It is really clear to me as well!
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