The adventures of Mommy woman
I think the baby is feeding directly off my brain
Published on January 15, 2006 By JillUser In Blogging

Lately I have had a lot of difficulty getting in touch with the part of my brain that holds my vocabulary.  It is making me very frustrated!  I am able to form thoughts in my head but am having difficulty communicating them.

I remember having this problem with my other pregnancies and referred to it as "placenta brain".  I think all my blood is going to the baby and my brain is suffering.  I have heard it is pretty normal and I know it gets worse after the baby comes.  You haven't had time for your body to recuperate and then you get smacked with sleep deprivation. 

I know hormones are making me a bit moody but I think placenta brain is exacerbating my moodiness.  So, my JU friends, if you see me saying something goofy or get huffy about something silly, please know that I am not myself right now.  I am not operating on full thrusters and may not be for quite a few months.

on Jan 15, 2006
Jill: you're a cool lady, anyone here would cut you slack if you needed it, and I highly doubt you do.

On the other if it was me.......
sometimes I get huffy and I'm not a bike.

I do hope you feel better in the morning, pregnacies are difficult enough without feeling out of
sync with things.
on Jan 15, 2006
I have heard it is pretty normal and I know it gets worse after the baby comes. You haven't had time for your body to recuperate and then you get smacked with sleep deprivation.

You know, I'm totally in awe of the whole process, even after going through it myself. My body has never been the same since then, and I'm surprised about the toll it takes on the body. Hormones, weird growing changes, and a chance to really notice your own body in action.

Good times, baby!
Hang in there.
on Jan 15, 2006
Thanks for such kind words Trudy.
on Jan 15, 2006
hehehe... could I have written the word 'body' more often?
on Jan 15, 2006
Good times, baby!
Hang in there.

Thanks Nicky. Most the time I am totally elated. I am just someone who likes to be in control and that is what makes pregnancy so scary for me...lack of control. Your body and the baby take over and you are just along for the ride.
on Jan 16, 2006
I do hope you feel better in the morning, pregnacies are difficult enough without feeling out of
sync with things.

Still feel pretty out of sync. I am normally not a moody person at all (not even when PMSing) but pregnancy really does a whammy on me. I remember having the blues after having Alex. I would cry at the drop of a hat. I hated that! I hope I don't have anymore of that although I already had one night where I was exhausted and Brad wanted to talk about something and I just started crying.

He felt so bad and that made me feel even worse. I hate feeling out of control like that. But as Brad would say, that's what I get for getting myself knocked up again
on Jan 16, 2006
Here is hoping that there are Less airheaded and moody days ahead...
on Jan 16, 2006
Here is hoping that there are Less airheaded and moody days ahead...

Thanks InBloom. It could be a lot worse. I hope I am not coming off as whiny. I am extremely happy to be pregnant and feel blessed to be able to have another baby when I know many who haven't been able to have one of their own.

I haven't been barfing so that alone makes things pretty darn good for me
on Jan 16, 2006
"placenta brain".

I think I get this sometimes and I am not even pregnant!

It is frustrating when the baby and body take control. I hope it gets better soon for you. The baby has to come out eventually!
on Jan 18, 2006

The baby has to come out eventually!
I am guessing come July I will be very ready for that to happen.  An August baby, I better make sure my AC is working well!

Thanks Kelly!