I recently surprised a few JUers with revealing my true identity. I will probably surprise even more with this news, Brad and I are expecting a baby this Summer. We are excited, and scared, but mostly excited.
I am just in the beginning of my 3rd month so I am in what most deem the "Too soon to tell people" part of pregnancy. I have decided that is not a system that works for me. I had two miscarriages between our two boys. The first one everyone knew about and it was hard. The second one we played it "safe", it was harder.
Early pregnancy can be rough in a lot of ways. You worry that things are going okay. Many women get quite sick (I don't thank goodness!). Most women get hormonal. I am definitely in that camp. And most women get very fatigued in the first 3 months. One book on pregnancy likened the work a woman's body does in the first 3 months to using the same amount of energy as hiking every day. That explains why I am exhausted and cranky by 9:00 every night!
Part of the reason I decided to reveal who I was was I figured Brad and I would both start blogging about the pregnancy and then about the baby and it would be very obvious then. I figured I would just cut to the chase. It is the main thing on my mind these days for some reason so it would be torture to me to keep it a secret until it is "safe".
I am 35 so this time around the doctors are talking a lot more about genetic screening and testing. I really don't feel any different than I did 5yrs ago. I don't have any habits like smoking or drugs and I am generally a very healthy person. I am not too worried but all the attention to my age does make it scarier than before.
So that's my news for now. It is almost 9:30 so I have hit the wall for tonight. I will keep you all posted (for those interested).