The adventures of Mommy woman
Child discovered after 6yrs
Published on March 2, 2004 By JillUser In Current Events
I heard this story this afternoon on The View. If anyone knows more, please share details! As the story was told on the show, a 10 day old baby died in a house fire 6yrs ago. The body was presumed completely incinerated.

6yrs later, the mother of the baby was at a friend's child's birthday party when she noticed a little girl and instantly thought "that is my daughter!" She saw a defining dimple that her infant had had. She then had the forethought to tell the girl she had gum in her hair so she needed to cut it out (in order to get hair for DNA testing). Sure enough, it was her child! A friend of the woman's exhusband (or cousin, I didn't get that straight) had set the fire in order to take the baby. That same friend/cousin was at that particular party 6yrs later.

I thought it was totally amazing that the mother recognized her child after only having been with her the first 10 days of her life. I thought the story was heart warming, outrageous and upsetting all at once. What a wonderful mother, what a horrible person to steal a baby and what a terrible position to put a little girl in. The best part is that the little girl knows that her mother loved her so much that she kept her with her those 6yrs they were apart so they were able to be reunited.

on Mar 02, 2004
Wow.....that is quite a story.  i can't even imagine that!  Most people would just think that they were insane thinking that the girl was their daughter.  I wonder if other things led up to that point.  Little clues that didn't make sense until then.  It would be interesting to read the whole story.
on Mar 02, 2004
If I learn more details I will certainly post them. It made me think of that movie with Michelle Pfieffer, The Deep End of the Ocean. The character's little son got snatched while checking in at a hotel and she recognized him when he was quite a bit older and living near their new home.
on Mar 03, 2004
Hey Jill,
I found this link on MSN.

It's about the story.
on Mar 03, 2004
Thank you so much Chris! The one part I don't understand is why they put the little girl in foster care instead of letting her finally be with her real mom. The poor woman has been heart broken for 6yrs already!
on Mar 03, 2004
It' a sweet story, but I'm highly sceptical of its validity.
on Mar 03, 2004
I was at first, too, Seymour...but the fact that msn posted a follow up article on it lends it credibility, I feel.

Jill, that's the court system for ya. Don't get me started on class action lawsuits...
on Mar 03, 2004
Google News is definately the best place to get quick access to articles on current events.

Original article:


on Mar 03, 2004
comment parser messed up the last link.
on Mar 04, 2004
Thanks Ian. I use google to search stuff all the time but didn't think to use if for news. I know that there isn't anything about this story on Truth is often more unbelievable than fiction.
on Mar 04, 2004
Ah, the news today regarding this story explains that the father of the little girl is now in the mix and that is one of the reasons the girl is in foster care. Apparently he didn't sign as her father when she was born because he didn't believe then that he was the father. What changed since? Media attention? Don't know. Also there is a claim that the kidnapper sprayed an unknown substance in the girl's mouth when they came to do a follow up DNA test via mouth swab. What a mess for that poor little girl!