The adventures of Mommy woman
Published on September 23, 2005 By JillUser In Blogging

I didn't really take note of this until after having dinner out with some friends from the Netherlands, but every single time my husband and I go to a restaurant, they sing some form of a happy birthday song to someone.  Of course they can't sing the actual "Happy Birthday" song due to licensing issues so each restaurant has its own annoying version.  Every time we are in a restaurant!

We have heard Spanish, Italian, Middle Eastern (La Shish) and even Korean versions.  They each seem to have their own brand of embarrassment to go along like putting on a big hat, making you stand up in front of everyone or some such silliness.  They always sing loudly, badly and usually have some sort of loud clapping to accompany said singing.

My children hate it and always have.  Even as babies they would start crying when someone started clapping and singing.  I'm starting to relate to their sentiment.  Enough already!

on Sep 23, 2005
Just a side note.

In college it was always someone's "birthday" when a group of us went out. That way we got one free dessert for the table and about 15 spoons. Maybe that is some of what you are experiencing?
on Sep 23, 2005
I intentionally don't go out to eat with anyone within a week either direction of my birthday just to avoid that sort of crap. I hate it... I know the employees hate it... and it bothers other patrons.
on Sep 23, 2005
LoL, I do it to my friends even when it isn't their birthday! It's a bigger surprise that way...*eg*

I think that must be happening pretty often. I just can't believe someone is having their birthday at the same restaurant we are at every single time we go to a restaurant.