The adventures of Mommy woman
All that matters that is
Published on September 13, 2005 By JillUser In Life Journals

This morning my oldest son said something on his way to school that really made me feel "I have the best life ever!"  He was holding the praying mantis he caught at Nana & Papa's house (that's my parents) with his backpack on and I was giving him a kiss and telling him I love him and to have a good day like I always do when he turned and said "I love you too mommy.  You know you are the best mom I know of".  How great is that?!

My husband is my best friend who I love more than anything.  I have two healthy, happy, wonderful little boys.  I have a sister who is one of my best friends.  I have parents who love me and are close enough and young enough to do things with my kids, and I am surrounded by friends.

I truly have it all.

on Sep 13, 2005
moments like this is what makes life so sweettttttttttttttttttttt! enjoy.

on Sep 13, 2005
Not only do you have it all, you are smart enough to appreciate it!
on Sep 13, 2005
on Sep 13, 2005

Not only do you have it all, you are smart enough to appreciate it!

Thanks! I have always been fortunate to be a "glass is half full" kind of person. I am also fortunate enough to have a very comfortable life where material things are concerned (not so for the beginning of my life)but the best feeling in the world is to know that you can be happy without any of that. My most joyful thing in life is having those who I love love me back.

I sometimes worry my kids will have it harder than I since they have always had everything but then I get to see how appreciative they are of little things like catching bugs with their grandparents or having their mom be there for them any time they need. I think they are going to be very happy people too.
on Sep 13, 2005
From one abundantly blessed person to another...great to hear
on Sep 13, 2005

What's the Mantiss' name?  You know it is a female, and she is probably pregnant, right?  Ours was Amy.

You are blessed!

on Sep 13, 2005
From one abundantly blessed person to another

Glad to hear you have it all too!

What's the Mantiss' name?
I think he was going to let his class name her. I am hoping they want to keep her too It is so funny that my son is so gentle and gets upset if a grasshopper gets injured or killed by a kid but thinks it is "so cool" to watch a mantis grab one and eat it. That is a pretty violent thing to behold!