The adventures of Mommy woman
Published on August 12, 2005 By JillUser In Misc

I am trying to figure out what made my mood yesterday so different from today.  Yesterday I felt energetic and determined to get things done.  Today I feel down and bummed.

The weather is gloomy today but it was a bit gloomy yesterday too.  I got up earlier yesterday.  I think that and the fact that my husband was in a terrible mood this morning put me in a funk.  When he leaves for work mad I just feel like going back to bed for the day.

Yesterday I just got going and did stuff.  Today I feel bogged down by all of the stuff I know I want to get done but just don't feel like I know where to start.  I don't feel compelled to just jump into doing stuff like I did yesterday.

Know what I mean?

Comments (Page 1)
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on Aug 12, 2005
from what I have read we have 3 biorythems, they all move at differing paces, when they are in sync at the highest point we feel great, in sync at lowest we feel awful.

usually they are all at differing points so our moods change as the rythems change.
on Aug 12, 2005

The weather has a lot to do with moods.  But when it is cloudy and overcast, I feel introsepctive, not depressed.  I do get depressed at times.  But I have never associated it with any external factors.  It just comes over me at times.  But not for long.


on Aug 12, 2005

I think that other people's moods often affect our own moods.  I can be the happiest person in the world some days until Dave comes home grumpy and stressed out...then all of a sudden the dark clouds roll in  and I'm crabby too.

I know that for me personally the weather plays a big part in determining my mood.  If it's overcast and cloudy for more than a couple of days in a row then I can feel myself becoming lethargic and grumpy.  Often I find myself restless and irritable right before a storm....and sunshiney days find me bright and happy.

Lack of sleep and pain also affect my mood. 

on Aug 12, 2005

I think that other people's moods often affect our own moods. I can be the happiest person in the world some days until Dave comes home grumpy and stressed out...then all of a sudden the dark clouds roll in and I'm crabby too.

That is an understatement!  When my wife is in a mood, I get depressed very quickly!  Then, after chewing me out from hells half acre, she then gets so sweet!  Gaaaa!  Hey I love the sweet and it melts my anger like a hot knife does butter!  But why chew me out when I have been nothing but good?

God how I love her!  Most of the time!

on Aug 12, 2005
The biggest things that affect my mood:
1. Tiredness.
If I'm exhaused, my mood is going to suck

2. When I get up in the morning.
If I get a headstart on the day, I tend to feel a LOT better because it feels like I have so much more time to get stuff done in

3. People
My mood depends a lot on the moods around me. While they can't usually lift my mood if I'm down, they can bring me down if I'm up pretty easily.

4. Food
If I'm well-fed with good wholesome food (i.e. not frozen or fast food junk) I feel MUCH better. There's something mentally and spiritually energizing about a good home-cooked meal. If I eat crap, I feel like crap.
on Aug 12, 2005

If I'm well-fed with good wholesome food (i.e. not frozen or fast food junk) I feel MUCH better. There's something mentally and spiritually energizing about a good home-cooked meal. If I eat crap, I feel like crap.

Now that is a Zoomba!  Yup!  How I love my wife's pot Roast!

on Aug 12, 2005
Now that is a Zoomba! Yup! How I love my wife's pot Roast!

but is he really zoomba??

90% of my mood depends on the weather...February is usually my 'blue month' as we get lots of rain then and no sun. Food is another well as the people sharing it with me...good food + nice people = good mood.
on Aug 12, 2005

90% of my mood depends on the weather...February is usually my 'blue month' as we get lots of rain then and no sun. Food is another well as the people sharing it with me...good food + nice people = good mood.

And that is where we are different.  I find joy in all types of weather and seasons.  I look for the fun things or the things that make me feel better!  cold?  Sure!  It is brisk and rewarding!  Spring?  beauty!  Summer, how I love to work up a sweat!  Fall?  The crisp mornings and the beauty of the changing seasons.  And Winter!  Oh how I love snow! (we get so little, I can love it).

So time of the year does not matter.  The weather does not matter.  Rain means I dont have to water my wifes myriad plants!  Or worry about the grass growing!  Sun?  even when it is 100, and humid, to sit it in and absorb the energy!

I guess now in my life, I am just enjoying all the nuances of life!  And that makes me happy.

on Aug 12, 2005
I am just enjoying all the nuances of life!

When my wife is in a mood, I get depressed very quickly!

make up your mind
on Aug 12, 2005
I ALONE determine my mood and how I feel.
Someone can call me "an old, wrinkled~up, grey-haired biddy" and I can choose to sit and have a cry
and wish I'd never been born, or I can laugh hysterically, agree, and get up and go put on some music
and see if I can still do the Peppermint Twist......

Sometimes things pile up, just like dog doo-doo in the middle of winter, and it's over
whelming ya know?? we DO have the ability to think it through, and CHOOSE our response
and how we will handle it, or if we're just going to "react". It takes practice to choose to
handle any given situation.
on Aug 12, 2005

make up your mind

Bad you!  Nuances as in the weather. Not in my wife's temperament. That I endure because I love her.

on Aug 12, 2005
That I endure because I love her.

I coitenly hope so....
on Aug 12, 2005

I ALONE determine my mood and how I feel.
Someone can call me "an old, wrinkled~up, grey-haired biddy" and I can choose to sit and have a cry
and wish I'd never been born, or I can laugh hysterically, agree, and get up and go put on some music
and see if I can still do the Peppermint Twist......

I read your response and had to say AMEN!

on Aug 12, 2005

I coitenly hope so....

Ok Curly!

on Aug 12, 2005
Hmmm, you should have gone back to bed for another hour. That usually works for getting me a mood change. I guess the weather factor does have something to do with it and other people do play a factor too as others have suggested.

Most certainly the person nearest to you would play a major part. I'm the opposite of you today. Yesterday I was in a bummy mood, today I'm a lot more cheerful.

chocolate does a lot to cheer me up. You should try that and see!
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