The adventures of Mommy woman
The pain continues
Published on February 13, 2004 By JillUser In Blogging
My bad day started at 2:30AM on Thurs. My 3yr old woke up throwing up in the hall. Poor little guy continued throwing up every 30mins, almost like clockwork until 9:30AM. He would wake up, throw up, be wide awake for a few minutes and then basically pass out for about 15 more minutes and then repeat. It was a very long day to say the least.

I talked to the pediatrician and she basically said I was doing the right things and to bring him in if it continued pass 8hrs. He slept well last night and is eating and drinking and acting like himself. Just as things were looking better for him, my sinuses attacked.

I have been having some sinus pain since Mon but that isn't unusual for me. I knew it was an infection last night when the pain got bumped up a few notches and I started feeling dizzy and nauseus. I am going to the Dr this afternoon. I requested he just call in a scrip but I haven't been in to see him for a few months so they need to get the copay out of me. Good old HMOs. The nurse even admitted to me that he will probably just look in my nose and confirm what I am saying. That is how it goes every time.

So I am not going to be on JoeUser much today because I can hardly see straight. Hope everyone has a nice Valentine's Day. I will probably be on drugs so it out to be good
on Feb 13, 2004
I hope you are feeling a bit better now, after seeing your doctor. I hope you got some good drugs!(And your child.) Take care.
on Feb 13, 2004
Jill, hope ya feel better.. my 6 year old just got sick today, thus missing her valentines party at school... So I know the 9 month old is next.. We all know siblings don['t share anything except a damn cold.. happy Valentines day to you..
on Feb 14, 2004
This may sound retarded, but I've had a number of girlfriends who have had severe migranes and assorted PMS pains and I'm telling you it works. Get someone with strong hands to give you a foot massage, while you lie down and relax. Have them do deep-tissue rubbing, where they're stretching and pulling the flesh away from the bone as best they can.

It totally works. I'm sure some smartypants could tell you all about reflexology or some such crystal-worshipping stuff, but I don't know anything about that. I just know that firm foot massage really works to alleviate headaches.
on Feb 14, 2004
Matt, that is probably a good idea, but it won't get rid of her sinus infection Matt is going to give all the ladies foot massages now....

Hope you feel better, soon, JillUser.

on Feb 14, 2004
No, it's not a cure for tangible ailments, but I've been around people who are suffering from relentless pain and I've noticed that by in large they're extremely eager for anything that will make that pain diminish. I've given co-workers (men and women) and associates foot massages if they have serious headaches that are not responding to analgesics.

I'm also not very fond of .. feet. I just don't like seeing people suffer, when I can do something about it.
on Feb 14, 2004
That's a cool thing to do Matt, Jill I hope you and your little one feel better. Sinus infections are no fun.
on Feb 16, 2004
It was a severe sinus and ear infection. Got some antibiotics and some sleep. Feeling much better. Thanks so much for the well wishes.

Matt, I can attest to the wonders of foot massage. You are right, it is especially helpful for tension headaches.
on Feb 22, 2004
Hope Ypu're feeling better Jill. GCJ