My morning got off to a startling start. At 8:15 the 3yr old came padding into my room. Panic was instantly there to greet me. What time is it?! How did I over sleep?! I must have gotten so into my dreams or never set the alarm ( I am thinking the latter).
I had 15 minutes to get my slow poke 7yr old ready to get his ride to school. Could it be done? I was sure going to give it a go.
I told my son good morning and instructed him to go to the bathroom and meet me down stairs for his clothes and breakfast. He pulled his clothes on, scarfed down a boiled egg and some chocolate milk. I gave him a vitamin and checked him for any signs of illness that would warrant him taking the day off school. He has a cold but no fever, sore throat, stomach ache, etc. so he was off to start putting on his snow gear.
I did it! As soon as he pulled the zipper up on his coat, his ride arrived. I stuck his hat and gloves on, gave him a kiss and sent him on his way.
Now I wish I could remember what I was dreaming. The excitement of getting slow poke off to school wiped my brain of any memory of the weird dreams that I remembered having a glimpse of when I first awoke. I sure wish I could go back to bed
I guess I should just be thankful noone out there can see the horrendous case of bed head that I have right now.
Hope your day goes well and that you are up to any challenges that might enter your path.