I am a happy person by default. I generally need external forces to make me unhappy. I say generally because even I am not immune to the effects of hormones or simply just a bad mood on occasion.
Just because I am naturally happy doesn't mean I take it for granted. I do a lot of thinking about what makes me happy while others seem to always be looking for things to "make" them happy. I wish I had answers. I do know that I take pleasure in the small things. I appreciate merely living another day with the people I love. I am thankful for health and the gifts I have been given in life. I dwell on my blessings and not on what I don't have.
I tend to think a lot of it has to do with brain chemicals though. I am very mellow by default and am therefore usually content. Many people I care about seem to be agitated by default. They are constantly having to do something or complain about boredom. I never get bored.
Maybe I am just a more simple creature. I enjoy planning things almost as much as doing. I see an endless stream of opportunity for things to do, people to enjoy, and events to look forward to. I don't look forward to getting old but I don't fear it and dwell on it like many seem to do.
The only times I feel I have "wasted" a day is if I am sick or simply haven't done anything. That rarely happens thank goodness. My kids usually keep me doing things even if it is just to play with play-doh, read a story or go to the park. I have great conversations with my husband every day. I get email and phone calls from friends and family every day. I am told I am loved every day. Why wouldn't I be happy? Yet some people have those same opportunities and feel unhappiness. Why is that?