The adventures of Mommy woman
Published on March 2, 2005 By JillUser In Blogging

Well, the first week of 2005 our good friend was diagnosed with cancer and was given a maximum of two months to live.  Not a good way to start the new year. 

Next up, lots of snow and the flu pays a visit.  First our older son feels yucky for a couple of days but recovers quite quickly.  Then our friend, after spending a couple of miserable weeks in hospice care, passes away.  Next, our little one gets the flu.  Worse than his brother but still, not too bad compared to what we are hearing from others.  Then comes my turn.  I am knocked off my feet for a good week.

The weather has continued to be cold and lots of snow still coming our way.  I am sick of being sick, sick of being cold and sick of dealing with snow.  So, 2005 has not been my favorite year so far.  It has plenty of time to turn itself around though.  Here's looking forward to sunshine, flowers and seeing the neighbors outside again.

Comments (Page 2)
2 Pages1 2 
on Mar 05, 2005
Well, it could be worst... far worst. So take what you do have and make the most out of it, please. Trust me, you don't want to end up in a downward spiral of loathing and dispear.

If you feel it is too much for you, try to join a group. It is working for me so far.
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