The adventures of Mommy woman
Is it racial?
Published on November 12, 2003 By JillUser In Current Events
Did any of you wonder why Jessica got so much attention? Did you hear mutterings about the African-American woman (Shoshana) that got shot in both legs? I did.

I watched the Jessica Lynch interview last night. There was a lot of information to be gleened out of the sensationalism. I finally think I understand what the deal is. Basically, there were no witnesses to what exactly happened to Jessica. Everyone else in her vehicle died. She herself isn't even a very good witness since she was unconcious a lot. The government and media decided to fill in the blanks on their own.

They said she went down fighting to the death. They said she shot several Iraqis. When she came back, she told them that was untrue. In fact, she huddled, prayed and didn't fire a single shot (she says her weapon jammed). They decided it wouldn't serve anyone to retract their previous stories.

Shoshana on the other hand, was with a group that were held by the Iraqis. Noone could take artistic license with what happened to her because there were witnesses and footage. I personally think, and know others will disagree, that if you had switched Shoshana with Jessica, there would be no difference. Shoshana would be the girl on Primetime with Diane Sawyer and Jessica would be at home, depressed.

There is also question about how the military is treating the ladies differently. From what I gather, the military determines disability pay according to injury (which makes sense to me). Jessica is recieving much more disability pay than Shoshana and here is why: Jessica's spine is so damaged that her bladder and bowels are paralyzed. The doctors have been trying electric stimulation but she has not been responding. It is most likely a permanent disability. Her left leg was completely shattered from the knee down and her foot on that leg was crushed. She has metal plates and pins from practically head to toe. Shoshana has two damaged legs and depression as a result of torture.

In conclusion: I originally thought racism. I looked at the facts and now believe otherwise. No matter how you slice it, I feel terribly about what both ladies endured and am grateful for their service and the service of all who served and are serving.
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on Nov 12, 2003
I, personally, think that they went too far with all the hype over Jessica. I totally agree that she has suffered terrible injuries and will have troubles for the rest of her life, but I am also sure that there are many men who have endured the same. However, they are using her as a "hero" to be in the limelight. If they are going to tell one story, they should tell them all. What about the people who saved her? What are their names?
on Nov 12, 2003
You are so right KarmaGirl. The true heros, the guys that saved her, refused to release their names. They just see their acts as what a soldier does. You never leave your own behind whether they are alive or not (they also brought back the bodies of the others that were buried near the hospital where they found Jessica).

I don't think the whole hype over Jessica is right. I just don't think it has anything to do with race. It has to do with sensationalism and made-for-TV movies. Good old Hollywood!
on Nov 12, 2003
well, she is the first pow rescued from an enemy since world war ii.
on Nov 12, 2003
the only reason this is all going on is the situation over in iraq is not something that people like at all
its in the best interest to make up nice happy stories about some down home 19 year old blonde girl who gets "rescued" from a "hostile" location.

"The true heros, the guys that saved her, refused to release their names."

Spec ops was bored.
Spec ops went on a preplanned "rescue mission"
Active spec ops don't give out their names.
on Nov 13, 2003 has a good article called "Why you've heard of Jessica Lynch not Zan Hornbuckle."
on Nov 13, 2003
russellmz2, where did you get your info? There weren't any POWs rescued in Vietnam or Korea?
on Nov 17, 2003
My only question, why not give both the same amount of money for disability?
on Nov 17, 2003
Rodriguez, disability is based on the extent of the injury. Would you give someone with a sprained ankle the same amount of disability as someone who is quadraplegic? That is the exaggerated form of this case. Shoshana walked out of Iraq and Jessica is still not walking. Her bladder and bowels are quite likely permanently paralyzed. Her medical care will be vastly more costly. Even if Shoshana had to have both ankles replaced (not even sure they do that but I know they do hips and knees) it still wouldn't compare.
on Nov 18, 2003
I too have seen those who have attempted to create "racial panic" by the claim of disparity of the disability pay/benefits of both Lynch & Johnson. Last I checked, one must be discharged in order to receive disability pay. It appears that Johnson is very much active duty. As long as she is, she is not allowed to receive pay for book deals, etc. Is she the only African-American woman who has been a POW.... if so she holds a distinction that the Army is probably still wondering how to handle. Only time will tell.
on Nov 18, 2003
I think that the United States Army should give both women the same amount of money for their disabilities. Although Johnson has not been diagnosed with such things as Lynch, however she has to deal with all the emotions of being captured and raped. Thoes things just don't disappear over night. I'm sure it's been traumatizing for both women, I just feel the Army should give them equal treatment. There is still one thing I want to know where are Ms. Johnson's movie, cover stories on Time, book deals, and other numerous things that Lynch has received? Does anyone care about Shoshanas' story? She was willing to die her country. Where is the love?
on Nov 18, 2003
dbullitt, where did you get that Johnson was raped? According to all info I have read, her captors gave them blankets and fed them well. As for paying someone for their emotional trauma, you would have to pay every single person that has ever gone to war. Are you saying that is a reasonable thing to do?

BTW, it is Lynch that the speculation about rape was discussed with.

I think people do car about Shoshana's story but she was part of a group of captive soldiers. Her story isn't as unique. Lynch was a POW MIA rescued from her captors, on the brink of death. She is "Ms small town USA" who survived a big ordeal in order to serve her country. Mind you, I don't think that the media blitz that has transpired is appropriate. I think a news bit and a book (for those interested) would have been enough.
on Nov 18, 2003
lynch was the first since pow rescued since wwii:
bunch of google links to articles

fun fact: this article is the number 3 or 4 result.
on Nov 18, 2003
russellmz2, thanks! This sparked some interesting conversations. Makes sense when you think about it.
on Nov 19, 2003
The passage below was taken from "The Guardian Unlimited" story dated Thursday, May 15, 2003. You can read the ENTIRE story for yourself by going here....,2763,956255,00.html

"We gave her three bottles of blood, two of them from the medical staff because there was no blood at this time,"said Dr Harith al-Houssona, who looked after her throughout her ordeal. "I examined her, I saw she had a broken arm, a broken thigh and a dislocated ankle. Then I did another examination. There was no [sign of] shooting, no bullet inside her body, no stab wound - only RTA, road traffic accident," he recalled. "They want to distort the picture. I don't know why they think there is some benefit in saying she has a bullet injury."

This was taken from BBC News World Edition and can be found here -

"I examined her, I saw she had a broken arm, a broken thigh and a dislocated ankle," said Dr Harith a-Houssona, who looked after her.

Does it not seem funny to some, if not all, that out of the blue, Jessica can remember SOME of what happened to her? Now that her book is out, all of a sudden she remebers being raped? Then again, SHE doesn't remember, that is what she was told:

In her first interview about what happened to her, the former prisoner-of-war told ABC television that medical reports indicated that she had been raped. (Taken from the BBC News World Edition dated Nov. 7, 2003 -

All of a sudden she remembers "fighting until the death"?

"...told reporter Diane Sawyer her gun jammed and in desperation she prayed to God to help her.

Later, in an Iraqi hospital, she said local doctors treated her despite a scarcity of drugs and threats from Saddam Hussein's fedayeen henchmen.

She also said she remembers an Iraqi nurse singing to her.

"It was a pretty song and I [could] sleep," she told Ms Sawyer.

Previously it has been reported that she remembered little of her ordeal." (Taken from the BBC News World Edition dated Nov. 6, 2003 -

Which one is it???? Come no now folks, let's WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE.

What we need to remember is this, AMERICA, as great a country as it is, will feed to the public what it wants us to know/hear/read/see. It is imperative that everyone take an individual responsibility to educate him/herself about what is REALLY going on. For months, the US led us to believe that Sadaam was a DEFINITIVE threat to our safety/well being. That is all we read/heard/saw/etc., from our MAJOR news outlets. While other countries, other minor/underground news outlets were trying to get us to see that what we were being fed was political spin.

Plain and simple, Jessica Lynch, just like Shoshana Johnson was over there doing her job. If we are going to recognize one for being the first POW since WWII, then we need to recognize the other for being the first African-American FEMALE POW in our history - PERIOD!

Remember "Wag The Dog"? That movie is not as far-fetched as we would like to believe.

For more info on the Jessica Lynch Hype -
on Nov 19, 2003
When did she ever say she remembered being raped or shooting anyone? I guess we didn't watch the same interview with Diane Sawyer because the one I watched had Jessica say things exactly the way she had always reported. As far as the rape was concerned, not only does Jessica not "all of the sudden remember" it, she doesn't believe it happened even though US doctors suspect it may have happened. Their evidence is damge to her parianal area and the fact that her bloody body armor and clothing were found in a building quite a distance from the crash. One of the reasons there is skepticism is that the Iraqis may have stolen her clothes as a souvenir and she may have recieved the injuries during the crash. The Iraqi doctors said that they didn't examine her for rape. Their only concern was treating her life threatening injuries.

Also, Jessica isn't the first POW since WWII. Don't you know POWs from Vietnam? I do. The difference is, Jessica was rescued from her captors. The other POWs, including Shoshana Johnson, were turned over to the US. There is a difference.

I agree with you that we have a responsibility to educate ourselves. I am finding blogs very helpful in this endeavor.
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