The adventures of Mommy woman
A.K.A. What I did today
Published on January 4, 2005 By JillUser In Blogging

Get your kids ready and off to school.


Do dishes.

Do laundry.

Take care of a sick spouse.

Babysit neighbor kids.


Worry about a parent having surgery.

Phone calls.

Participate on JU.

on Jan 04, 2005
Bless your heart . . . sinus infections are the worst, and adding all that other stuff on top is no fun. Feel better soon, Jill.
on Jan 04, 2005
Good list, and I hope your feeling better soon. Take tomorrow off and rest up
on Jan 04, 2005
Take tomorrow off and rest up

Mommies never get a day off!
on Jan 04, 2005

Take tomorrow off and rest up

A what?  A day off, you say?  What is this 'day off' thing that you speak of...?

Jill, I'm moving to your neck of the woods so I can help out at times like this.  The I'm moving to Hawaii to help Tex, then I'm off to Texas to give Life Happens a hand....and by that time Janders'll probably need some help with her new wee one. 

In the meantime, I hope you and your hubby both feel better soon and that your little ones don't get sick as well!

on Jan 04, 2005
Good idea Dharma, I was just thinking how neat it would be if all us bloggers lived in the same town. Then we could help each other out without having to travel all around the world. Course, then we probably wouldn't blog as much, not when we could just go over to someones house and visit.
on Jan 04, 2005

Feel better soon, Jill.
Thanks so very much TW.  I am hoping to get through it without antibiotics.

Danny, nice sentiment but as moms TW and Dharma pointed out, mommies never get a day off.

dharma, you have such a wonderful heart.  That sure is a lot of traveling and you have 3 kids of your own!

Thanks all.  I'm still going.  Gonna crash really soon.  I think I will have some benadryl like TW is always suggesting.  I had a little Baileys too and that seems to be helping

on Jan 04, 2005
Oh, add Take out the garbage to the list.  And Bathe the kids and get them to bed.  Whew, day is almost done.
on Jan 04, 2005

Oh, add Take out the garbage to the list. And Bathe the kids and get them to bed. Whew, day is almost done.

See, if I were there I could do all that for you....and than make you and your hubby chicken soup and send you to bed. 

As for my'd do them and their dad good to be without me for a few days.  It'd probably do me good too....!

on Jan 05, 2005
A what? A day off, you say? What is this 'day off' thing that you speak of...?

Doesn't exist in motherhoodland!

As for my'd do them and their dad good to be without me for a few days. It'd probably do me good too....

Good for you but when you get home.....they'll be soooo happy to see you....falls apart w/o mommy - Don't you just love this, "sighs".

Feel better Jill.