I haven't been blogging much because I have been doing a lot of stuff in the "real world"
Holiday stuff has really kept me busy. Mind you, I am aware it is self imposed busy-ness. I feel very satisfied after a productive weekend.
I got a good start on my holiday baking, decorating, wrapping and even got caught up on laundry (laundry is never finished but can be caught up to a managable rate). I slept in, got bills paid, helped the boys make presents for their teachers, and made a gift for someone myself (can't say what or for whom since they might read this). I actually feel optimistic now that I can pull off the holiday plans I had been hoping to pull off.
I should have our holiday letters in the mail tomorrow and have the house in decent shape for holiday guests. It is all good from here. Sure, I have a bit more shopping and wrapping to do and there will be a lot more cooking of course. I look forward to those things though. Now all I really have to do is pray everyone stays healthy for the next couple of weeks.
Best wishes.