The adventures of Mommy woman
Published on April 8, 2016 By JillUser In Blogging

I knew it had been a long while since I had posted here but I didn't realize it has been about 4yrs!  I have been living via cell phone during that time so popping on FB and Twitter has filled my social media time.  I recently went back to work at our office building so I'm back on the computer!

I keep up with some of my old JU buddies on FB.  I don't know if anyone who is on here these days even knows me.  I intend to start blogging again because I miss writing out complete ideas rather than just sharing things or Tweeting a couple of sentences.

For anyone who remembers me and is interested, my oldest is about to finish his Freshman year of university, 2nd oldest is in the 10th grade and my little girlie is now 9, in the 4th grade and almost 5' tall!  Life has been crazy but good.  Will celebrate my 22nd year of happy marriage next month.  Still spending a lot of time in the mini-van.


on Apr 10, 2016

Welcome back, Jill!