Now that my oldest is 7, I know how quickly you can forget the little things. I have been writing things down and taking pictures and video as often as I can to help my memory. On that note, I wanted to share a couple of cute things my 3yr old has said recently:
Look at my musmels = look at my muscles
I want a bread, bread, turkey = I want a turkey sandwich
He is in a regular bed and has been for over a year now but still bellows to me in the morning "Mommy! I want to get up!"
Asks me "Where did you put my car?" He has about a bzillion hot wheel cars but I am supposed to know which one he is talking about.
His favorite words right now are "disgusting" and "huge"
Whenever my husband or I would tell our older son "I love you" he would say "I love you too." The 3yr old responds "I know."
I look at him and see my husband. I love that. Even though he is a stinker, he still makes me smile even when I am mad. He will give an unsolicited hug and kiss every once in a while and I turn to mush. Those are the times when it feels pretty good to be the Mommy.