A lot of things about this time of year, especially this year due to the election, produce religious discussion. A lot of people assume that my family is christian due to our morals and values. One friend even thought I had been raised Catholic. When I reveal that I am not christian, things often get uncomfortable. It was even questioned how we could have morals and teach them to our children without being christian.
Just because I have not been able to accept that Jesus is the son of God doesn't mean I can't understand how others do believe. Over the course of my 34yrs of life I have attended just about every form of church out there. I know the Catholic religion better than some of my Catholic friends. I have always been open to the idea of Christianity. The faith just isn't there for me.
I admire and respect people who have true faith and live by their convictions. I would never suggest to a person of faith that they were misguided. I even understand why people of strong faith want the same for me and feel compelled to try to enlighten me. I just get tired of being treated strangely because I don't share the same belief.
My family enjoys all of the traditional christian holidays. They have always been part of my favorite family traditions. I thoroughly enjoy the spirit of the holidays and am thankful that Jesus existed to inspire the society we now enjoy.
Life has been an incredible learning experience for me. I have had many times in my life where I looked back and could chuckle at how I formerly thought of things. Experience has a way of doing that to you. I hope I never stop learning and experiencing new things and take time to reflect on the past. I don't rule anything out. I only wish that more people could understand that different lives lead to different paths filled with different experiences which lead to different conclusions about life, the universe and the unexplained. That understanding would lead to true tolerance rather than the usual empty sentiment of PC "tolerance".
I live every day trying to do what my heart and mind tell me is the good and right things to do. I love, respect, empathize and am thankful for the joys I have been afforded. I believe that a loving God couldn't possibly punish me for living such a life.
Best wishes to all reading this.