The adventures of Mommy woman
Lead By Example
Published on November 5, 2004 By JillUser In Current Events

An awful lot of people are behaving badly these days.  It is one thing to disagree with someone but it is unexceptable to be violent toward them or call them names.  It is no wonder so many kids have behavioral problems.

If you refer to others as idiots, morons or jerks, your kids will be saying the same things about others and usually at the least opportune time.  The best behaved kids tend to come from the best behaved parents.  If you say please and thank you to your kids, they are more than likely to do the same.  They learn what they live.

We as Americans have to remember how to respect others.  We need to respect ourselves, respect others and in turn teach respect to our children.  I don't mean for us to go back to the "respect your elders" mindset.  I still want kids to question things that adults do but I do think that kids these days as well as most adults have lost track of truly treating others the way we would like to be treated.

That is just my opinion.

on Nov 06, 2004
Well said. You get an insightful for this. I think too many of us would be horrified if our children actually spoke to us in the same way we speak to them. I am very cautious about what and how I say things....having a two year old "parrot" really reminds me that kindness and respect is always a good choice...