The adventures of Mommy woman
Published on October 28, 2004 By JillUser In Current Events

Remember when we used to complain that we barely got through eating our pumpkin pie before people were out the door putting up their Christmas lights?  Those were the good old days.  This year I hadn't even seen "It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown" before being bombarded with Christmas commercials.

I had to do some last minute Halloween shopping today because our neighborhood is doing this thing called "Booing".  (For those of you unfamiliar with this, you get a bag, box or other form of container left at you door with goodies and a note stating that you have been "booed".  You then make 3 copies of the ghost, tape the ghost to your front door so people know you have already been booed, and do the same to 3 others.  It's fun but you are supposed to get stuff and deliver it within 24hrs of getting booed so as many people as possible will get booed before Halloween.) Forget finding Halloween stuff.  The stores are filled with Christmas stuff already!  It is October for goodness sake!

Why is everyone in such a rush to get their Christmas shopping done months ahead now?  I have always found part of the holiday fun to be shopping around during December, breathing in the holiday smells and looking at the holiday decorations...during the month the holiday comes!  I guess that is just me though.

on Oct 28, 2004
It's strange and, I think, sad. We are in such a rush to move on to something else that we don't get to enjoy what we have before us. It was very sad for us when Adrian was home and we went shopping. Everywhere we went, it was decked out for Christmas and was a reminder of the fact that he won't be spending Christmas with his family and that the boys and I will be celebrating without him.

I have always found part of the holiday fun to be shopping around during December, breathing in the holiday smells and looking at the holiday decorations...during the month the holiday comes!

I'm with you on that. The only time I cheat is I put my Christmas stuff up after Thanksgiving dinner. Every other holiday, though, we don't start decorating and preparing for until the month in which it occurs.
on Oct 28, 2004

The only time I cheat is I put my Christmas stuff up after Thanksgiving dinner
I don't begrudge anyone putting their decorations up after Thanksgiving.  I usually start decorating by putting the tree up the weekend after Thanksgiving.  It is a lot of work and I want to enjoy it for the maximum amount of time.

I sure feel for you regarding not being with your hubby for Christmas.  I can't imagine how hard it will be for Adrian either.  I hadn't thought about the early decorations in that light but you make a fine point.  I am sure he would have enjoyed his visit much more without that reminder.  Best wishes!

on Oct 29, 2004
I must admit, my family lives for Christmas. We already have up one tree, and I have my snowmen and snowglobes up in my room. But we have an excuse. Christmas is the only holiday we decorate for, and that means we go ALL out. Not a room is spared. There are over 200 Santa's (my mom collects them) a many-pieced nativity set and I love anything snow. I've also been listening to Christmas music since the middle of October. I love to ssssttttrrrrreeeeeeeetttttch out my favorite holiday to the point where we sorta ignore the rest of them. Most people think it's silly, but it's always been our favorite time of year... so we get started a little early. The stuff does go down before New Years, but only because it takes a weekend, and we need it gone before school starts again. So, Merry Christmas!
on Oct 29, 2004
So, Merry Christmas!
Uh, no.  Happy Halloween!  You are high all right Elf!  Christmas is my favorite holiday too and I have 4000sq ft to decorate but for goodness sake!  Do you really need to start over two months ahead?
on Oct 29, 2004
Yes! I'm already done with my shopping, and have a countdown started in my planner. In my defense... I force no one to listen to Christmas music, know the countdown, or even see the decorations. We live in the middle of nowhere, so no one knows we've already decorated. I keep it all secret because I know how it bothers some of my friends. I'm also counting the days until Christmas break so that's another reason for loving Christmas-- Break for all the educators in the family! Besides, I was named after Mrs. Santa Claus and according to "What's your Christmas Claymation Character Quiz" I am stil Mrs. Claus.... So those are my excuses. I will be celebrating Halloween, just not decorating for it... So, I'll change it to Happy Halloween (for now )