The adventures of Mommy woman
Published on September 15, 2008 By JillUser In Blogging

This is basically what my washer and drier are like.  They are really tall and are really crammed into my little laundry room.  I have never liked my laundry room but dislike transitioned to downright hate this morning when I discovered the painful little room was flooded!

At some point during the last couple of days, my stupid washer started leaking from the cold water connection.  It is close to impossible to see behind the huge machine so it wasn't discovered until the water was everywhere.  I then had to inch the hateful machine out as much as I could, crawl on top of it with the help of a step ladder, and turn the water off.

I immediately called the Best Buy service number since I know we have a service agreement with them.  I was greeted by a less than friendly woman who told me to call back in "a while" since they were unable to connect me to the service dept. at that time.  When I asked her to define "a while" she said at least a couple of hours.  I told her that alarmed me because I had water all over my laundry room to which she kindly replied "Well turn the water off!"  Gee thanks.  I would have never thought of that!

I have a family of 5.  If I'm not doing laundry pretty much all the time, it gets bad quickly.  I am hoping that I will get them out here in "a while" and get it fixed...argh!  It's always something!  I already have the furnace guy coming out tomorrow to replace the heat exchanger on our furnace.  That won't be cheap either.

Mondays are so much fun.

on Sep 15, 2008

Wow, that sucks!

Horrible customer service. 

I definitely understand what happens if you don't keep laundry going daily.  It is a very rare ocassion when I have ALL the laundry completely done.

The water didn't damage anything did it?

on Sep 15, 2008

The water didn't damage anything did it?
I guess one blessing of having such a tiny laundry room is that there isn't room to put stuff on the floor so I don't think there is anything damaged except you never know once the water has a chance to seep through to the basement.

Four hours after my original call I was finally able to get ahold of the proper person and she was extremely nice and helpful.  She was also very apologetic about my previous experience and explained that a lot of there service was out of Texas and was hit hard by Ike.  I have an appointment for Wednesday but they will come by sooner if something opens up.

I guess I finally have a good excuse for not doing laundry

on Sep 15, 2008

My next laundry room is going to be a complete opposite of this one!

on Sep 15, 2008

I'll trade ya. My washer/drier unit is in the bathroom.

on Sep 15, 2008

I'll trade ya. My washer/drier unit is in the bathroom.
Are you doing laundry for 5?  I was okay with my laundry room until our little girl became the proverbial straw.