The adventures of Mommy woman
Published on September 9, 2008 By JillUser In Blogging


IMG_0202 Ashley with her pumpkin last year


The cool breezes and turning leaves have me thinking about Halloween.  The kids are already talking about what they want to dress as.  I must admit, I really enjoy Halloween!

I'm a Fall person.  I love the sweater weather.  I love the beautifully colored leaves and the smells.  I just wish Fall was longer and Winter was shorter!

I look forward to decorating with gourds and pumpkins.  I love burning pumpkin spice and cinnamon candles.  Mums and scarecrows are on sale now for exterior decor.  What fun!

One thing I'm really excited about this year is the fact that Alex wants to hand out candy so I get to go trick-or-treating with Brad, Ryan and Ashley!  Usually Brad takes the kids and I stay home to hand out the candy.  They always get to see the neat houses that go all out with decorations and I only get to hear about it.  This year I get to go!

on Sep 09, 2008

I am partial to fall as well - for the reasons you state - and because it is my birth day time.

But we are not in Fall mindset here.  Temps still very warm (not really hot), so not terrrible, but not the crisp mornings of fall yet either.

on Sep 09, 2008

I am excited about it too.  It's still really hot here and not fall like at all, but I did put up some indoor fall decor, and I've been burning the fall scented candles for a couple weeks now.

The kids are talking about their costumes, too.  I have been trying to convince Adrian that we should do Halloween as Mary and Joseph, but he's not on board for it.

What are your favorite fall candles, Jill?  I am crazy about Yankee Candle's Pumpkin Spice, although at nearly $30 for a decent sized candle, I have to round it out with cheaper stuff.  I really like the small Glade Cinnamon and Apples (I think?) candles that come in the frosted containers.  They go for about $2 a piece.

I also use the Pumpkin Spice fragrance oil in a diffuser that fits on a lightbulb.  A lot less expensive and it gives off a great scent.

Do you guys usually carve your pumpkins or paint them?  I saw a really neat treatment on a website with translucent glitter paint in different intensities being used on several pumpkins for a display.


on Sep 09, 2008

Kole and I just talked about costumes yesterday.  She wants to be a Ghostbuster.  I said I'd go as the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man. Ha!


on Sep 09, 2008

Do you guys usually carve your pumpkins or paint them?
We always carve our big pumpkins because Brad loves roasted pumpkin seeds.  The boys always come up with great faces that give my carving abilities a work out.  On occasion we get some of the little bitty pumpkins and paint them.

What are your favorite fall candles, Jill?
  Rigth now my fav is an Orange Cinnamon Village Candle I got at Kroger for $7.  I just got an Autumn Spice one for about the same price at Michael's craft store.  I haven't burned it yet but it sure smells nice in the jar.  You never know for sure if you'll like it until it's burning though.


on Sep 20, 2008

Alex is rethinking not trick or treating.  His friends as well as his dad all advise him not to give it up until he's a teen.  Guess I'll be stuck handing out candy again

on Sep 20, 2008

His friends as well as his dad all advise him not to give it up until he's a teen. Guess I'll be stuck handing out candy again

My 14 year old still get's a kick out of trick or treatin and plans on doing the costume too.  The hard decision is what will be cool for a teen to wear!lol!  My hubby doesn't like going out to trick or treat so he's the one that usually hands them out, except I think last year he was occupied!  Amanda and I or should I say she picked her costume, Hannah Montana, the whole works!  We picked it up because around our neighborhood, it goes fast!

on Sep 20, 2008

Thanks for this article.  It makes a very lovely change of pace from all the political stuff going on.

I miss Halloween.  We finally have a bit of a break in the hot, humid weather here, but there are no Halloween decorations.  Even finding a  pumpkin to carve is hard and a mid size pumpkin costs $20 or over.

I think I like Halloween decorations better than Christmas.  Please post some pics of some of the neat houses.

on Sep 21, 2008

Please post some pics of some of the neat houses.
If I get to see any, I will.  I lot of them around here don't do there houses up until that day so as to surprise people as much as possible.  We have a funny dentist in the neighborhood who usually puts up a lot of decorations.  I bet he is in full support of all that candy

on Sep 21, 2008

I miss the mini-chocolate bars.

I'm really looking forward to seeing those pics!

This is going to seem really strange, but I totally forgot that I was going to Calgary and would be there during Hallowe'en.  I'll be on the search for cool houses, too!  My aunt's neighbor usually does an amazing job, complete with sound effects.