The adventures of Mommy woman
Published on August 30, 2008 By JillUser In Politics

From the Mount Olympus type setting of the DNC,  Obama looked down upon his subjects and accepted their appointment of him as their nominee.  It was quite a spectacle.  Plenty of celebs were everywhere.  The hype was palpable.

What a show!  But that is all I see coming from the Dems, show and no substance.  They are for the things that are good and against the things that are bad.  Obama is going to tell us what we should and shouldn't do because we can't be trusted to understand such things on our own.  He will be our benevolent dictator or, maybe he is the messiah.  Either way, I don't think people will be getting what they hoped for.

I still believe the government should work for the people.  I still have faith in the people to do the right things.  I also still believe it is our right to make bad decisions and take personal responsibility for them.  Our society needs tough love not some elite group taking from the responsible to give to the irresponsible. 

The Democratic Party seems to be the party of the double standard.  Their candidate is supposed to be just like anyone else.  Just a common "Joe" if you will.  The first comment about Sarah Palin slammed her from being from a small town.  Their candidates "experience" for the office pretty much consists of campaigning to be President.  Their complaint about Palin, she isn't experienced.  Somehow McCain picking a female running mate is pandering but picking a black candidate couldn't possibly fall in that realm.

The Dems are running on change, hope and historical significance.  I see all of that in the Republican ticket now.  Either way, history will be made and things will change.  This should be an interesting couple of months!

Comments (Page 1)
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on Aug 30, 2008

I have reservations about McCain but I certainly think he's more qualified than Obama.  I don't know much about Palin, but at a surface glance I am optimistic about her.  I agree that we will see change.  I'm not a Republican, but I do see that the R party has been very progressive in regards to staff choices, and that didn't start with McCain.


I agree, interesting!

on Aug 30, 2008

I think that by picking Palin, McCain was able to steal some of the thunder that was set around the Democrat battles between Obama and Hillary where people felt they had the option of a woman in the presidency. Now that he has given the poeple the choice of a woman in a top position again, he can possibly capitalize on the anger between the Hillary supporters and Obama.

on Aug 30, 2008

His Royal Higness Obama released a vid calling Palin 'more of the same.' This is the first female VP in the history of the GOP.

on Aug 30, 2008

His Royal Higness Obama released a vid calling Palin 'more of the same.' This is the first female VP in the history of the GOP.

Continuing the grand tradition of "If you insist it and repeat it often enough, even if not true, some people will believe it."

on Aug 30, 2008

And this is Obama's idea of 'change.'

on Aug 30, 2008

some elite group

I always wondered when the word 'elite' became a bad word.  Aren't the people that run this country supposed to be some form of elite?  I mean, I don't want some average jackass trying to be president...much like we've seen with Bush, that doesn't help much.


on Aug 30, 2008

Zoo, it depends on if they are elite because of their intelligence and accomplishments or because of the privileges they have been afforded.  We don't want to be "ruled by" an elite group.  We want a government that will work "for us".

on Aug 30, 2008

I'm probably on my own with this thought, but I think an "average jackass" would probably do a way better job.

on Aug 30, 2008

I doubt the founding fathers would consider themselves "average jackasses."  I think Jill is half-right; government should lead and work with us.

on Aug 30, 2008

Obama, Benevolent Dictator or Messiah?

Neither.  He's just a politician even though he pretends he is above it that is exactly what he is. 

on Aug 30, 2008

Neither. He's just a politician even though he pretends he is above it that is exactly what he is.
  I agree but he talks like he's the second coming and when he tells us that we can't eat whatever we want, set our thermostats to 72  degrees or drive and SUV, he sounds like a dictator.  I'm not interested in either.

on Aug 30, 2008

I agree but he talks like he's the second coming and when he tells us that we can't eat whatever we want, set our thermostats to 72 degrees or drive and SUV, he sounds like a dictator. I'm not interested in either.

LOL, nice try.  He actually said those words, huh?  Dislike him for some substantial reasons, not exaggerated assumptions and misconceptions.

on Aug 31, 2008

He actually said those words, huh?
Yes, he actually said those words along with stating that our children need to learn Spanish.  I watched and heard those words come out of his mouth so I dislike him for him.

Nice try to you.

on Aug 31, 2008

Obama also said a light would come down from somewhere and tell you to vote for him (hence the Messiah complex).  I have been a responsible person my entire life and it has payed off.  My husband and I take care of our own family, we invest for our future so we can continue to take care of our own family (the way we want to) and my husband works his ass off to not only have the lifestyle he wants but also to provide good, rewarding jobs for many others.  I don't need to have some pompous, self proclaimed savior to come in and tell me I have too much so we need to have stuff taken away to give to not only those who are perceived and "poor" here in our country but to give billions to other countries.


on Aug 31, 2008

He was just using the Spanish language as an example.  Why must people see things so black and white all of the time?  Spinning everything a person says to have a negative connotation seems to me like you're searching for reasons to dislike him or to verify your lame opinion that he wants to be a dictator.

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