The adventures of Mommy woman
Published on August 13, 2008 By JillUser In Blogging

Most of us know what is good for us.  Knowing it and doing it are very different things.  How many times do we say "I know I should exercise, but..." or "I know this pop isn't good for me, but...".  We make decisions between knowing and doing constantly.

I am addicted to coffee and chocolate.  I KNOW that for a fact.  I have tried to cut them out of my day before and am not convinced that my life will be good without them.  I am aided in my addiction by some reports that say that coffee and chocolate are good for you.  That way I don't KNOW that I should give them up.  Besides, I get so much enjoyment out of them, they'd have to be a cut and dry risk in order for me to give them up.

I read a study about heart patients a few days ago.  It said that even though they were told that if they didn't change their bad habits (drinking, smoking, overeating, etc.) they would be dead in a matter of a couple of years, 70% didn't change their lifestyle one bit.  My take on this is the "it won't happen to me" attitude.  Hey, they lived through one heart attack, why wouldn't they make it through another?

I do know that pop, chips and sweets aren't good for me.  I just haven't been doing enough with that knowledge lately.  I also know that I have a slow metabolism and need to get a lot of exercise or I will balloon up.  I haven't been doing enough with that knowledge lately either.

I have a million excuses as to why I haven't been DOING.  Some are even pretty valid.  I think I just hadn't committed to the fact that I HAVE to do something about these things.  When you feel you HAVE to do something, you usually find a way to do it.

So I'm now at the point of KNOWING and feeling I HAVE to be DOING.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Aug 13, 2008

That is like me with losing weight.  It's not that complicated - at less, exercise.   ...but knowing and doing are very different.  I will have good days but then I will have a Dr. Pepper (my number one weakness) or not go walk. Change is hard, even if intellectually we KNOW it would make us healthier and happier.  I am considering doing a cleanse from a book called the purification plan.  Really I should start tommorow. 

on Aug 13, 2008

Really I should start tommorow


Why not today?

on Aug 13, 2008

I have a coca cola addiction. I did stop drinking it for about 2 months a few months ago, but found myself eventaully going back to it. I was drinking a lot of water during that time but I believe what really frustrated me was that I had not lost a single pound after 2 months.

Like you I have a lot of knowledge, my problem is putting it to good use. I know I should excersize, eat better, drink less soda and get more rest. But considering all the time I spend between work, getting there and back home, cooking and cleaning, the kids and the basic things in life like going to the store and stuff, I have to have some kind of treat for myself, otherwise I will feel like I work hard for nothing. Funny how the human mind works.

on Aug 13, 2008
People give Christians a hard time about not being perfect. But the real reason we're not perfect is this same struggle - we know what to do, but we don't want to do it!
on Aug 13, 2008
People give Christians a hard time about not being perfect. But the real reason we're not perfect is this same struggle - we know what to do, but we don't want to do it!

So what is it, then, that distinguishes you from everyone else? In what way is that superior to non-Christians?
on Aug 13, 2008
People give Christians a hard time about not being perfect. But the real reason we're not perfect is this same struggle - we know what to do, but we don't want to do it!

I think the problem is when Christians (or anyone else) proclaims what others should do but don't do it themselves.
on Aug 13, 2008
Why not today?

Because I have to go to the store first and I've already had a Dr. Pepper and cheetos for breakfast   
on Aug 13, 2008
I think the problem is when Christians (or anyone else) proclaims what others should do but don't do it themselves.

Exactly, you have to walk the walk BEFORE you talk the talk.
on Aug 13, 2008
I've already had a Dr. Pepper and cheetos for breakfast

Breakfast of champions!
on Aug 13, 2008
Exactly, you have to walk the walk BEFORE you talk the talk.

My friend's dad always said "Practice what you preach or else you are just preaching instead of teaching".
on Aug 13, 2008

Grandma used to say the definition of Hell was the gap between what you know and what you do.

Part of us never wants to admit weakness or potential "mortality".  If  you put three soldiers together in a briefing and tell them that two of them won't make it back from this dangerous mission, each will look at the others with the same thought , "Those poor bastards". 

And it isn't a Christian thing, it's a people thing. Remove chips from shoulders and become civil again.

on Aug 13, 2008

And it isn't a Christian thing, it's a people thing.
It sure is.  Religion has nothing to do with it.  It's all about human nature.  I'm not sure why religion got thrown into it but then again, it gets interjected into pretty much everything.

I like the soldier scenerio BFD.  Very true.

on Aug 13, 2008
People give Christians a hard time about not being perfect. But the real reason we're not perfect is this same struggle - we know what to do, but we don't want to do it!

Well I'm sure you understand that you can't basically go around with the "do as i say, not as I do" mentality. That's why some people get irritated over religious topics at times. This right here is proof of imperfection.
on Aug 13, 2008
So what is it, then, that distinguishes you from everyone else? In what way is that superior to non-Christians?

If I told you you didn't have the ability to stop sinning, and I did, because I have the Holy Spirit in me, you wouldn't believe me anyway. The Spirit only gives you the ability, though, it doesn't do it for you.

Anyway, apart from that Christianese bit, it's not any different at all.
on Aug 13, 2008
I think what struck me was the "don't want to" thing. Shouldn't you want to?

Anyways, my apologies, Jill for derailing your thread.
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