The adventures of Mommy woman

I will never understand why people pay any attention to what actors say when it comes to politics or anything of any importance.  These people play pretend as a profession.  They aren't scholars.  They have no credentials when it comes to foreign policy, religion, politics, etc.  So why should they have any clout on these subjects, because sometimes they pretend to be characters that know such things?

Sharone Stone, as some may have heard, made the bone headed comment that perhaps the quakes in China were some sort of karmic retribution for their peoples' treatment of Tibet.  Lord only knows what she was thinking when she spoke those words into the microphone thrust in front of her.  For someone making loads of money off from Chinese people, perhaps Karma will take a crack at her too.

It was a stupid statement but I say, so what.  She's an actress.  Why do we expect so much more from these people?  Plenty of them got their educations from tutors in trailors while filming TV shows or movies.  They are superior at looking pretty and following direction.  That's what they're paid to do.  Why expect more?

on May 29, 2008
Not surprising. That is the way they think! Their whole world revolves around self, and so they naturally extend their narcissim to the world around themselves.
on May 29, 2008
"It was a stupid statement but I say, so what. She's an actress."

I whole heartedly agree with you...this is how it should be. However, in our real world (or reel world) these idiots have a following of fawning, drooling, slack jawed, mindless fans who hang on every word as if it were handed down from the mount. The opinions of the glittery ones do influence their public and affect the outcome of elections and other public issues. Shameful as it is, it is.
on May 29, 2008
The opinions of the glittery ones do influence their public and affect the outcome of elections and other public issues. Shameful as it is, it is.

There is no test of intelligence to vote. Hollywood just demonstrates that daily.