The adventures of Mommy woman
Published on May 29, 2008 By JillUser In Blogging

I think we all have something that we depend on to get us through each day.  For some it's an addiction and for others it's just something they look forward to each day.  Let's call that something your "crutch".

So what's your crutch?

My main crutch is coffee and it is a full on addiction.  If I don't get some of the life giving fluid in the morning, I am cranky and get a headache.  My other crutch is chocolate.  I don't know if it is an addiction or not but I just love the stuff and prefer to not go a day without it.

I think mine are pretty common crutches.  I know some people can't do without a run in the morning or some form of exercise.  Some people need TV shows or some other form of caffeine or sugar conveyance.

Do share.  I'm interested.

on May 29, 2008
My cell phone. I hate that stupid thing, but I'm totally dependent on it. I hate that I have to have it on me at all times.
on May 29, 2008
Coffee, one cup of it! Chocolate...particular at this time of the month! Exercise....didn't do it for two days, although I did ride my bike and that helped a bit, but I need my full cardio/aerobics/weights workout because it helps to keep me nimble....or as you say here, flexible! [it helps my joints!]
on May 29, 2008
Ice water! I gave up coffee 6 years ago. Now I have to get a drink of ice water in the morning or I dont feel "clean". Weird I know. But then I never said I was not.
on May 29, 2008

My crutch is now literally a crutch.   Over memorial day I totally pulled a Phil (foot fracture and sprain via vollyball)  

So yeah, crutches and vallium for me 

on May 29, 2008
Unfortunately, I no longer have one. I quit my last one two years ago and have been wobbling around ever since. I think I am finally learning to walk normally again.
on May 30, 2008
Used to be cigarettes but gave those up a couple of months ago. I do enjoy a couple of cups of coffee a day but don't have any adverse reactions if I miss it so I guess I can't call it a crutch. I guess the biggest crutch I have at the moment is probably exercising (don't feel right if I don't do my workout). I also have to write something every day, not just cause I enjoy writing but because I have this weird feeling that if I don't, I will forget what I want to say.
on May 30, 2008

Coffee...and more coffee...and

on May 31, 2008

Susan.  Then coffee.  Then lists.

And the best thing is that Susan makes the coffee (if I clean the press) and encourages me to make the lists that allow me to function.

So really . . Susan. 

on May 31, 2008
Iced Tea...everyday...
on Jun 01, 2008


I like chocolate every single day.

I'd say prayer, but I don't want to be a hypocrite.