In my 34 yrs on this planet I have done a lot of thinking on the subject of happiness. A lot of people who know me think I am just "naturally" happy. I think the key to happiness is learning and embracing what truly makes you happy. Sounds simple doesn't it? I don't think it really is.
I myself have fallen victim to questioning my importance which leads to a drop in happiness. I have learned that I am happiest when with family and friends and being domestic. I have wanted to be a mother for as long as I can remember. I have enjoyed learning about and spending time with family for as long as I can remember. I have been generally happy for as long as I can remember.
Being a happy person doesn't mean you are never upset. I have survived a good number of tragedies in my life. I also worry a lot about the well being of my friends and family. These things don't seem to impede my general sense of happiness though. I have successfully pursued what makes me happy and, therefore, I like who I am and am happy with my life in general.
I think a lot of people envision a "happy" person as someone who smiles and is cheerful all of the time. I don't think that exuding happiness neccessarily means you are happy yourself. I probably seem like a pretty stable, uncharismatic person. I'm not the life of the party or anything but I bet I am happier than a lot of people with that persona.
I have nothing to prove to anyone but myself. That probably gives me the appearance of being unmotivated. Being too content can cause you to fall victim to mediocrity. My husband helps keep me motivated and prevents me from stagnation.
Mentioning my husband brings another subject to mind; relying on others for happiness. You are never going to be happy if you can't be happy on your own. Your children won't make you happy. Friends won't. Lovers won't. Only you can. The only way you can find happiness is to be honest with yourself about what makes you truly happy and embrace it, pursure it, live it!
Best wishes.