The adventures of Mommy woman
Warning to my fellow ditzes
Published on August 4, 2004 By JillUser In Cooking

Well, I guess I had a blonde moment when shopping for dinner the other night.  I was tired and really didn't care what we had for dinner as long as it was quick.  I saw the packages of premade skewers ready for the grill and thought I had it all figured out.

I looked at the beef kabobs and decided they were too expensive for a couple of bites of beef between pieces of assorted veggies.  I then proceeded to the chicken kabobs.  Much less expensive but boring.  We have had chicken a lot lately.  I saw the package marked "city chicken" and thought it must be some kind of marinated chicken on skewers.....wrong!

City chicken is actually pork.  It is a throw back to times when chicken was actually more expensive than pork.  It sure looked like chicken.  So I grilled it, it looked great but it didn't taste like chicken.  So now I have to figure out what to do with my leftover pork.  Any suggestions?

on Aug 04, 2004
Is that something like "roof rabbit" in the depression?
on Aug 04, 2004
Never heard of "roof rabbit" but I am intrigued.
on Aug 05, 2004
Nice one Jill! It's ok, we all have our moments. And if you don't want the pork just throw it out to the dog or cats.

on Aug 05, 2004
You could throw it with marinade and vegis and make a stir fry.... just a thought.
on Aug 05, 2004

I used it in place of chicken in a Campbell's skillet recipe with noodles, veggies and soup.  My 7yr old liked it so much he had seconds!

Still would like to hear what "roof rabbit" is.  Is that pidgeon or something?

on Aug 07, 2004
No it is the "Other,Other white meat"


BTW I love cats, so don't shoot the messenger.
on Aug 08, 2004
City chicken is actually pork. It is a throw back to times when chicken was actually more expensive than pork

jill, i have to admit that this is alien to me, too. but i like your recipe for leftovers. the two of us often have leftover meat (hubby likes it more than i do), and i love recipe adaptations. can i pretend i made it up myself ?

vanessa/mig XX