The adventures of Mommy woman
Published on July 9, 2004 By JillUser In Health & Medicine

I think having children relocated some bones and organs to less than comfy locations.  I had to be in physical therapy while pregnant with my second child due to pulling a group of muscles while putting my then 3yr old into a car seat.  I have had chronic problems since.

Anyone else suffer with this?  I have some exercises that I learned from PT that help but it is always there.  My husband gives me back rubs that can allow me to be free from pain long enough to fall asleep but I often wake up in pain mid way through the night.  Waking up in pain really puts a damper on the morning.

on Jul 09, 2004

I have issues with my back too.  Herniated L1/L2 dics, arthritis in L2, and muscles that are prone to spasms.

Physical therapy....yeah, right.  It was useless for me, it really was.  Swimming is the best therapy...and yoga is good too.  Without knowing the mechanism or details of your injury it's hard to say what would be best for you to do.

There is a pillow that you can get to put between your knees that helps me a little when mine is acting up, and I've taken to wearing Kalso Earth Shoes exclusively, which helps no end. 

Unfortuantely, sometimes the only relief for mine involves valium and vicodin. I don't like it, but that's just the way it is. 

on Jul 09, 2004

I always thought that my back pain was from arthritis in my hip, which then caused muscle pain (as that is what I was told while in ER in the past).  However, it is actually endometriosis.

If it is actual muscle pain, doctors can give you light muscle relaxers to help.  Ice packs help.  I know that everyone finds heat comforting, but ice actually helps inflammation.  Motrin and other anti-inflammatory can help, too.

on Jul 09, 2004
Muscle relaxants have helped in the past and me likey valium too   I do think it is muscles but maybe I should get checked for endometriosis too.  How do they test for that?
on Jul 11, 2004
My mom has the same problem, and she got a back brace. It's just a cloth/elastic thing that velcros around your lower back, and when she's having really bad days with it, it seems to help. She got it at WalMart... Just a thought. Good luck!

on Jul 11, 2004

Thanks Sarah.  I might have to give that a try.  I think a glass of wine and a soak in the tub might do the trick tonight

Dharma, you are right about swimming.  It is absolutely the best low impact exercise out there.  I never had back or knee pain when I was swimming on a regular basis.

on Jul 14, 2004
thank goodness I've never had back pain from Kole's birth, but I'll tell you something... I never go without a pack of rolaids anymore. I rarely need it, but during pregnancy I ate them like sweettarts. It's actually kind of embarassing. :/