The adventures of Mommy woman
Published on October 12, 2007 By JillUser In Current Events

It's official, I now have no respect what so ever for the Nobel Prize.  It was bad enough that they gave one to Jimmy Carter.  Now they've given one to Al Gore for Global Warming....what the hell?!

Forget the fact that Global Warming, despite popular belief, is still a theory,  (there has been nothing proven in regards to "Global Warming") all Al Gore has done is use his celebrity as ex vice president to spread the word about this theory.  What about all of these scientist that are actually gathering data and forming the theories?  Does anyone really think Al Gore came up with the theory?  Well, I guess those who believe he invented the internet would buy it.

The Nobel Prize is a joke and I'm seriously dissappointed in that fact.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Oct 17, 2007

How come we don't hear about that?

Good question and a good point too. I guess there is only so much we can focus on and do something about. While I agree something should be done about contaminates in water supplies, the changing climate is obviously the superstar issue and hogs all the attention.
on Oct 18, 2007
While I agree something should be done about contaminates in water supplies, the changing climate is obviously the superstar issue and hogs all the attention.

on Oct 18, 2007
Contamination of water supplies is global warming's bassist. Yeah, some people know about it, but global warming is the lead singer. And lead singers are egomaniacs.
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