The adventures of Mommy woman
Just a little whining
Published on December 18, 2006 By JillUser In Blogging

Part of the reason I feel I am done having babies is the broken sleep.  It really takes its toll after a couple of months.  If I get a couple of 3hr+ stretches, I'm fine functionally but it is still nothing like getting 6hrs or more of straight sleep.

Anyone who has the urge to tell me how to train my baby to sleep through the night or brag about how theirs slept through the night at 3wks, please don't.  We have chosen our method of sleep adjustment with our babies and it worked out well with the other two and I have worry free nights with this one.  I just don't get enough sleep currently.

The lack of sleep takes its toll on my mental ability and on my drive for, well, just about everything.  I've had one baby free night in over 4 months.  That one night was when my mom stayed over and took over with Ashley.  I still woke up at the usual baby times but went back to sleep immediately and woke up feeling like I could conquer the world.

I've had 3, wonderful, healthy babies.  I'm extremely blessed to be able to say that.  In 5yrs I'll have one starting kindergarten, one starting Middle School and one starting High School.  I think that is all my nerves can handle!

on Dec 18, 2006

There is just no substitute for sleep and plenty of it. The wife and I endeavor to get as many hours as possible:)

on Dec 18, 2006
I remember how horrible that was. One day I was just in full psycho mom mode and was snipping at my husband. He backed off when I asked him how he would feel if he hadn't had a good nights sleep in four months. The thing is even at the end of the pregnancy you aren't sleeping well. I had heartburn and had to pee all the time and you can't ever get comfortable, at least not for very long. Ugh. I nursed my boys and that didn't help because he couldn't ever give them a bottle and let me sleep. But hey hopefully it won't be too long until she starts sleeping longer. Try to take naps when the baby does. That's the only thing that saved me. It' also harder with number three because one and two still need you all the time. Hang in there.
on Dec 18, 2006
time for mum to visit again - then you can catch some zzzzz's
on Dec 19, 2006
My sympathy to you. I remember those days and it never seemed to end soon enough. And if it makes you feel better, my daughter was nowhere near sleeping through the night at 3 weeks!