The adventures of Mommy woman
Published on December 11, 2006 By JillUser In Misc

Today turned out to be a bit more stressful than I had hoped.  I simply planned to take my baby for a picture with Santa at the mall and then mail a Christmas package at the post office.  So I had the baby all dressed up and ready to go and got a call to pick my son up from school because he wasn't feeling we go.

At least I got an appointment with the pediatrician right away but they didn't have anything informative to tell.  They said he is probably coming down with "something" and they can't tell what his headaches are from but if they get worse, bring him back...great.  He was feeling thirsty but a bit better and the baby was still dressed and happy so we stopped at the mall just down the street from the doctor.  Of course Santa was on a break for the next hour.  So we got something for sick boy to drink, looked in the bookstore and got in line.

The santa pic turned out really well since big brother was there to make Ashley laugh.  I will try to post the pic some time soon.  So I thought, "Hey, things are working out okay".  Then came the post office.

I had one package but the line was huge and slow moving.  Alex was sleepy and Ashley was happy (so I thought) so I left them in the car.  I locked the door and left my cell phone with Alex.  It should only be a couple of minutes anyway, right?

Since the line was so huge and slow moving, I decided to pop over to the do-it-yourself line.  There was only one guy and he was weighing a letter that looked the same as the ones he had in a bag so I figured he'd weigh one and get the postage for all of them.  Well, that's what would have happened if the guy had a brain!  This moron had a whole bag full of letters all needing $1.35 in postage.  Instead of getting the postage for all of them and stepping aside, he weighed and paid for each of them separately swiping his debit card and entering his pin# each time.

A line quickly formed behind me and everyone kept saying loudly how they only had one or two items.  I asked the guy, after waiting for about 20 mins, how many of the same letters he was going to do this with.  He cluelessly looked in the bag and replied "only about 14 more".  I had a sick 10yr old and an infant in the car and had to be home right away for my 6yr old to get home from school.  This jackass wouldn't just let me mail my one package so I weighed it, bought 2 books of stamps and put enough stamps on it and mailed it.

I glanced on my way out the door and saw that I would have still been in either line if I had stayed the course.  The woman right behind the moron made eye contact with me and looked like she was about to pounce on the moron still plugging away at his pile of letters.  I returned to the car to find my beautiful, happy baby had been crying the whole time I was in the post office and I had 2 mins to get home.

I really just wanted to go back in the post office and kill that idiot!  Instead, I tried to calm my baby while calling the neighbor I carpool with to explain that I am just down the street and will be there in a matter of minutes.  I am a little surprised at how angry I am at that man.  I don't usually get upset easily.

Maybe the man was mentally challenged.  I would prefer to believe that over what I suspect, that he was just idiotic and inconsiderate.  The guy had a pile of about 40 debit card receipts in the amount of $1.35 and a bunch of hostile people waiting in line for him to end the idiocy!  I guess I can't figure out if I am more mad or more puzzled at why anyone would do that.

on Dec 11, 2006
Yeah, I would have been ticked, too.

And don't these things always happen when you have to pick up your child from school (carpool), even if they don't happen that often?

I would have peaked!
on Dec 11, 2006
I don't mind if people can't figure things out, like if they go the post office once a year and don't get it right off the bat. But after about five minutes I'd have asked him if I could do it for him.

I hate going to the post office....they are so freaking slow. And our post office employees have to chat every customer up. Drives me POSTAL.

on Dec 11, 2006

I don't like going to the Post Office here because it seems that there is always a line of 20 eldery ladies who insist upon standing in this long line just to mail one letter when they could just go buy a stamp from the machine and stick it in the slot.


on Dec 11, 2006
I sometimes mail swaps and it takes a long time but I would always let people cut in front of me if they had just had one package. I also always try to go the very first thing in the morning when they open before it gets crazy. Try to stay sane.
on Dec 11, 2006
Oy! That would be enough to try the patience of a saint! Especially with children in the car and it's only supposed to be no more than two minutes! Geech, considering you didn't slug him you were pretty calm!
on Dec 11, 2006
I think it's the smell of the glue on the stamps. It makes people stupid.
on Dec 12, 2006
What an inconsiderate and thoughtless pratt! *kicks his butt*
on Dec 12, 2006
Hello UPS.