The adventures of Mommy woman
Published on November 17, 2006 By JillUser In Misc

I think we are all guilty at one time or another of claiming we don't have time for something.  Sometimes there literally is no time if it is a task that has a deadline.  But in general, there are things in life that we always claim we don't have time for that, let's face it, we just haven't made a priority. 

Now I'm not saying these things that we don't prioritize aren't things that we would like to do.  I'm sure we would all like to exercise, call our friends, scrapbook, organize the house, etc.  If we truly saw those things as something of utmost importance, we would make the time to do them.  Instead, we do the things we perceive as "needing to be done" and simply claim "I don't have time" for the other things.

I do this all of the time.  The truth is, I could exercise every day, organize every closet, make sure the house is spotless, and do all the other things I feel I don't have time for.  If I did, those things would probably take place of sleep, time with my kids, time to sit and have a cup of coffee, time to call a friend, time to plan a get together or send a thank you note.  It would take time away from writing or reading blogs. 

I know how quickly my children grow so I prioritize time to enjoy them.  I know how quickly I get run down without sleep so I prioritize sleep.  I know how any day could be my last so I prioritize enjoying every day as much as possible.

The things I prioritize, get done.  The things I don't, wait until I finally feel they are a priority.  That is the truth of the matter.

on Nov 17, 2006

This is so true.

Every single person on earth has exactly 24 hours in a day.

We choose what gets done and what doesn't.


on Nov 17, 2006

“I hope that my child, looking back on today,
remembers a Mother who had time to play.

Children grow up while you are not looking,
there will be years ahead for cleaning and cooking.

So quiet now, cobwebs, dust go to sleep,
I'm rocking my baby, And babies don't keep”

I don't know who wrote it, but I've tried to live my life as a mom with that in mind.  My house is never filthy dirty, but sometimes it's untidy....and when it's untidy it's because I've been busy enjoying my kids. 


on Nov 17, 2006
I'm just a good ol' lazy procrastinator...even important things I put off until the last minute.

In fact, when I mailed that last bit of my college application, it was on the due date...still got in. I don't advocate procrastination, but it sure as hell works for me. I'm a stress junkie.

on Nov 18, 2006
I don't know who wrote it, but I've tried to live my life as a mom with that in mind.

That touched exactly how I feel K. I especially like the part "babies don't keep". There is such precious little time when they are little cuddly bundles that just want you to snuggle up with them. So little time to breathe them in.

I have the rest of my life (however long that might be) to fuss about my house or hair or nails or whatever. Today, if I didn't get a shower and there are toys on the floor and papers on the counter, it doesn't matter. I told my husband and children I love them. I cuddled my baby and breathed her in.
on Nov 18, 2006
I cuddled my baby and breathed her in.

Lovely. I have been so aware in the last couple of months how fast Kole is growing up. And I know I said the same thing a couple of months ago! Gone is my little baby, the cute toddler, but she is still a child, if only for a couple more years. I'd rather step over laundry and have quick, healthy meals, than slave over a stove, and spend much time making everything perfect. Perfect for what? My happiest times are usually doing simple things like snuggling up with her, reading a story, or just listening to her talk.

It's good to know that others feel this way.