The adventures of Mommy woman
Published on November 16, 2006 By JillUser In Misc

After school today I had to take my son to the store to get a birthday present for a friend's party he will attend this weekend.  When we pulled into the parking lot we saw a bunch of tents set up by the entrance of the Target store and we wondered what it was all about.  When we approached the store we were able to read a sign that read "PS3 on sale tomorrow.  Line starts here".

Apparently each store only gets 12 game machines and people have been camping out since Wednesday morning in order to be one of the first 12 to shell out $600 for it.  It has been in the upper 30s, lower 40s and drizzling.  It is windy, dark and miserable and those crazy people are camping out...for a game machine!

I'm sorry, that just makes no sense to me!!

on Nov 16, 2006
Hehe, there weren't more than 12 people in line were there?
on Nov 16, 2006
Hehe, there weren't more than 12 people in line were there?
Brad asked the same thing.  I saw about 6 tents.  I don't know how many people were there.  It wouldn't surprise me if people were dumb enough to wait without asking how many would be available.
on Nov 16, 2006
Just how stupid or pathetic does one have to be to camp out in a store parking lot to buy a moronic game console? They must enjoy playing games a lot more than any sensible person should.
on Nov 16, 2006
I heard on the radio (but it was a call in, so maybe not true) that some kids were going around with beebee guns shooting at people camped out.
on Nov 16, 2006
Yep, it's crazy. I can always wait a while. Not that a game system is something I need or want or would have the money to spend on it anyway. But it's kind of like a party. Then when you're playing your game you can tell people how you earned this game because you camped out and braved cold weather in order to get it. I don't know what you say when they give the last one to the person in line before you. That would kind of make you sick.
on Nov 16, 2006
I haven't seen that around here anywhere.

My son would do it if
1. He had the money
2. I would let him
3. His friend had the money and wanted to make it a party

But since he's only 11, I don't even have to entertain the question.  
on Nov 16, 2006
Hehe, I blogged about the same thing earlier! I see they are everywhere!!
on Nov 16, 2006
They must enjoy playing games a lot more than any sensible person should.

I like my games...but I'll be damned if I'm going to camp out and then shell out a big chunk of money...the craziest thing I've done is got to Wal-Mart at 7:30 in the morning to get something...but I stayed in a warm bed all night before that.

on Nov 17, 2006

The sad part of this, is it is not new.  When I worked for a major retailer, we would have a craze that came along about every 2-3 years, and people would just go stupid!  Muggings in parking lots, stampedes, you name it!

Sorry, nothing is worth that crap.  I'll wait until supply meets demand before I get the latest craze.