The adventures of Mommy woman
Published on April 21, 2004 By JillUser In Misc
My article regarding religion has really gotten me thinking about Heaven and Hell. This lead me to think about things I love (Heavenly) and things I hate (Hellish). Here are some off the top of my head:


Loving my hubby (in every way. trying to put this gently for those who know us)
Hugs & Kisses from my boys
Giggling and singing of my boys
Smell of rain
That warm, drowsy feeling you have when you first awake from a good night sleep
Warmth of sunshine on a beautiful day

You get the idea


Being apart from my husband
Having a loved one in pain
Feeling helpless (like when a loved one is in pain and there is nothing you can do)
Fear and those who instill it in others

I really have more heavenly than hellish in my life. What are some things you love & hate?

on Apr 21, 2004
"Having a loved one in pain"
"Feeling helpless (like when a loved one is in pain and there is nothing you can do)"

These are some of the worst things that can happen to anyone. i myself felt these things for a friend of mine and i can tell you it truly sucks, not being able to do anything to help the one that you care about is one of the most painful thing one can feel.
on Apr 21, 2004
I don't know how parents of terminally ill children get through. The thought of seeing my children suffer and not being able to do anything is Hell to me.
on Apr 21, 2004

I don't know how parents of terminally ill children get through. The thought of seeing my children suffer and not being able to do anything is Hell to me.

I hear you there.  Just having my dog be terminally ill and being able to do nothing is bad enough.  I can't even comprehend what that would be like with a child.