The adventures of Mommy woman
Published on April 15, 2004 By JillUser In Religion
I have been told at different times over my entire life that I am going to Hell. I wasn't baptized as a baby= going to hell. Don't belong to a church = going to hell. Lived with my fiancee before we got married = going to hell.

I personally don't see how any of those things would warrant my being sent to eternal damnation. I am a good person. I treat others as I would have them treat me. My family means the world to me. I am respectful of my parents. I have never harmed another. I donate time and money to charity. I help friends and family whenever possible.

I am open minded about religion. I have not been convinced yet that I belong with any particular organized religion. That doesn't mean I am an atheist though.

I guess I have always wondered how an all knowing God could look at me and send me to Hell. I know many catholics that play by the rules of the church but aren't more loving or caring than I. Why would God accept them and damn me?

So I go on living, learning and being thankful in the ways that fit me. I tend to think that God will judge me on those merits.

Comments (Page 11)
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on Apr 24, 2004
"OMGoodness....Jews, Hindus, Moslems, Buddhists, etc.....they're all ATHEISTS in your mind? And you had the nerve to refer to ME as closeminded? Yeah, right!!!!"

Look at Dharmagrl's response; she read it as it was supposed to be read. Incidentally, if you want to comment on two things, just put it in one post, or you could be slandered for point-gathering.

on Apr 24, 2004
Dan, I think it is a good thing whenever someone recognizes a short coming and sets their mind to change. That is how I took your comment and I believe that is what dharma was congratulating you on. I believe you have the ability to recognize that it is possible to believe in God but not believe Jesus is his son. You can stand your ground that it is wrong but you can still see that some people follow that belief.

on Apr 30, 2004
ahhh you're not going to hell any more than I am....
on Apr 30, 2004
You don't need a denomination or a relgion my friend. All you need is a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ according to Romans 10:9, 10. No church, no pastor, no prophet, no great teacher of widom can save ypu except for the Lord Jesus Christ.
on Apr 30, 2004

Ack.  That took this conversation ten steps back.

I thought this thread died, and I didn't read the last comments since my last one.

But, I just have to say that sgsmitty64's comment of: "Call me hard headed (is that possible with "thin" skin) but I stand by my assertion that k-girl was mocking with the *gasp*. Had it been a face to face conversation I think most would agree that was the tone. If me calling her to the mat over the mocking makes me thin skinned so be it, but then it would likewise be thin skinned to be upset over me mocking the oversoul as being not unlike "The Force"." to Brad really made me chuckle.  

What is the same between what *you* thought I said being mocking and "The Force" comment being mocking?  You.  You are the one who claimed both were mocking.  What I objected to was calling by beliefs "silly and shallow". 

You may want to realize that Brad can easily imagine the tone that I said things in since he talks to me in person each business day   And, no, it is not petty correcting somebody's spelling after they claim to know about it.  Sorry, that just doesn't fly.  But, thank you for calling me "shallow" again- it's really giving me a good idea of the "higher ground" that you stand on.

on May 01, 2004
Biblepreacher, all I can say is what I fitting name you have.
on May 03, 2004
What is the same between what *you* thought I said being mocking and "The Force" comment being mocking? You. You are the one who claimed both were mocking. What I objected to was calling by beliefs "silly and shallow".

Then we simply agree to disagree. What is mocking and offensive to me is not to you, that is our right eh? I found it to be a mocking tone and objectionable. No different in my book as you being offended that in *opinion* I found something to be "silly and shallow".

You may want to realize that Brad can easily imagine the tone that I said things in since he talks to me in person each business day

Point being......? Works for Brad but not I.

But, thank you for calling me "shallow" again- it's really giving me a good idea of the "higher ground" that you stand on.

Nah, I do not think you are shallow. My point was that for *me* the idealism is empty and lacking, surely you must feel the same about Christianity. And do understand, I never claimed to be on "higher ground".
on May 03, 2004

You could at least spell Buddha correctly....... (I am thinking that you know little about it since you don't even know how to spell it.)

Petty, don't you think? Maybe a spell checker could be a feature of the pay version of JoeUser?

Sorry, you called me "petty" that time, not shallow.  You called  my beliefs silly and shallow.  It was me that you called petty.

I think that any time somebody makes such statements, they are putting themselves on higher ground.  I right out said that I have knowledge of Christianity.  I right out said that it had merit.  When you said that you knew about "Bhuda" it just proved that you didn't even bother to look up the correct spelling.  It looks pretty bad when somebody says that your beliefs are "silly" then claim that they knew about them but didn't even take the time to look the proper spelling up.

And, the comment about me being a Stardock employee was really unneeded.  You must be *very* disillusioned if you think I would ban somebody because they don't agree with me.  You obviously have no clue of my character.

Oh, and iespell is a free spell check for online forums.  You don't need a site to provide you one.

on May 03, 2004

...anyway, I think you two are talkign past each other.

JillUser - here's the point Christian's are trying to explain (poorly):

In Christianity God doesn't reject anyone. It's the other way around. Christ provides all people the opportunity for salvation.  The door is open to anyone who wants to walk through that door and into salvation. In Christianity, the default state is not salvation, people have to choose the gift of salvation that Jesus provides.

Now, I don't happen to agree with that. I don't personally believe in a heaven or hell as Christians believe in it. And if there is a higher existence after death, I believe there are many doors and many options beyond the one offered via Christianity.

But that is basically the answer to your question - it's not that God rejects anyone. It's up to each person to accept Jesus Christ and take the path to salvation -- or not. Different Christians will argue what exactly it means to accept Jesus into your heart or not (some will tell you that just living your life the right way qualifies because you have unconsciously accepted Christ as your lord into your heart while others will argue that is not nearly enough -- they can debate that all day).

None of which applies to me. Most devout Christians would agree that I am damned. Not because Jesus or God has rejected me but because I've rejected Jesus as my savior. I do not have faith. It has nothing to do with the fact I've lived my life as honorably and morally as I can. That's a side issue.

on May 04, 2004
Sorry, you called me "petty" that time, not shallow. You called my beliefs silly and shallow. It was me that you called petty.

Well, I meant that the action was petty, which I guess would be calling you petty? Either way, it was not meant personally.

When you said that you knew about "Bhuda" it just proved that you didn't even bother to look up the correct spelling. It looks pretty bad when somebody says that your beliefs are "silly" then claim that they knew about them but didn't even take the time to look the proper spelling up.

Although it might be the case for some, grammer and spelling have nothing to do with knowledge of a subject. It has more to do with either education the language arts or laziness or both. This is the internet, not a newspaper, term paper or book.
I will look for the iespell, sounds like it could be useful.

And, the comment about me being a Stardock employee was really unneeded. You must be *very* disillusioned if you think I would ban somebody because they don't agree with me. You obviously have no clue of my character.

Fair enough, but you have to admit that from time to time someone sets people off their and bad things happen.

Brad gave a very good and concise answer to the original question. An answer that is not anti-Christian, anti-God or otherwise. This also serves the purpose pointing out why I do not spend a great deal of time trying to convert a majority of people and I wince when I see others beat there heads against the wall. It seems that Brad has good head knowledge concerning the essential concepts of Christianity. That he rejects it, disagrees with it or just doesn't get it is not something I or any other Christian will be able to change. Indeed, in this case "our" job is done and we move on.
on May 04, 2004

None of which applies to me. Most devout Christians would agree that I am damned. Not because Jesus or God has rejected me but because I've rejected Jesus as my savior. I do not have faith. It has nothing to do with the fact I've lived my life as honorably and morally as I can. That's a side issue.


I have a real problem with the Christian belief that the only path the heaven is by accepting Jesus.  What about all the people that were here before Jesus?  Or, what about the people who have no idea what a "bible" is?  Will they not go to heaven even if they lead the most noble and helpful life they possibly can?

It seems that Brad has good head knowledge concerning the essential concepts of Christianity. That he rejects it, disagrees with it or just doesn't get it is not something I or any other Christian will be able to change. Indeed, in this case "our" job is done and we move on.

What's interesting about that is that I have almost daily conversations with a person here at work that is a Jehovah's Witness.  Now, I know that one of the main goals of a Jehovah's Witness is to bring more people into their religion.  People always get the wrong view of this, however (you know- the ones that go door to door).  I have the most open minded conversations with him about religion.  I have explained my "Buddhism with a Transcendentalist twist" to him, and he found it interesting.  I know he doesn't agree, but that is fine.  He also has explained how he believes that everyone needs to read the bible and interpret it there own way.  It is supposed to be the word of God, but the interpretation that somebody else gives you may not be.  I find that a very logical tact since so much of Christianity is based on how the bible is actually interpreted (which really makes up the different "churches".) 

I really don't think that you need to ever try to "convert" somebody in order to explain and *educate* somebody about your beliefs.  But, on the other hand, as soon as you say that somebody else's beliefs are trivial, that is when I feel that you are putting yourself above another person.  I really can't say that any spiritual belief is above any other, because it is so personal.  And, in the end, almost all of them involve a god in some form.  And, who can say that "god" didn't make it that way?  Maybe we are supposed to learn about all the different ways to believe in god.  Who knows?  Nobody does.  All you can do is choose your faith and stick to it and hope it is right in the end.

on May 04, 2004

Maybe we are supposed to learn about all the different ways to believe in god.

I thought this was a very thought provoking statement.  I also believe in what was said about interpreting things your own way.  One of my problems with organized religion in general is lack of individual thought.  I don't care for brain washing or following the herd.  I don't believe in just accepting what others say without question.

Draginol, sgsmitty and KarmaGirl, thanks for bringing it back to topic. 


on May 04, 2004
BTW, J Witnesses aren't trying to "convert" people. They are trying to save them. If you truly believe that those who haven't accepted Jesus as their lord and savor are damned, then it makes logical sense that you should do everything you can to save people from such a fate.
on May 04, 2004

BTW, J Witnesses aren't trying to "convert" people. They are trying to save them. If you truly believe that those who haven't accepted Jesus as their lord and savor are damned, then it makes logical sense that you should do everything you can to save people from such a fate.

Yep.  That's why I said "bring more people into their religion"

The most recent way that I heard this explained was: You see your neighbors house on fire.  You yell to them in their back yard: "YOUR HOUSE IS ON FIRE".  They were distracted and didn't hear you, yet their house is still on fire and they don't know.  Do you walk away and think "Well, I told them, but they didn't listen.  My work here is done."  Or, do you keep yelling at them until they pay attention?  I would like to believe that anyone who has strong faith would keep repeating their message in hopes that it is heard.

on May 04, 2004
I hope I found the end of this thread... I'm working on the basis for what Christians believe (with Lewis's help!) but WITHOUT using the Bible as proof for my arguments. For those of you interested, I hope you'll stop by my home. I've got milk and cookies or we can make some popcorn. Capt. Cornbread can bring some cheese.

BTW, J Witnesses do not believe Jesus is the Son of God. They do not believe in the Trinity. Neither do Mormons. I think this sets them apart, and as far as doctrine goes, outside the spectrum of orthodoxy according to most Christian scholars.

I'd really like to see what you thinkers think of what I've thought. : ) Thanks.
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